Chapter 102 Eating Tiger.

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    After buying the "white civet cat", Chu Ye didn't rush to go back, but continued to take Lin Chuwen to hang out at various stalls.

    "Chu Ye!" A voice full of surprise came over.

    Chu Ye turned his head and saw Chu Yanyu. "Little aunt, what a coincidence!"

    Chu Yanyu nodded and said, "Yes!"

    Chu Ye looked at Chu Yanyu a few times, then cupped his hands and said, "Little aunt has become an advanced soul master! Congratulations, congratulations."

    Chu Yanyu smiled and said, "It's all thanks to you."

    Chu Yanyu's aptitude is not very good, and the process of advancement is full of dangers. Fortunately, the advancement is successful.

    Chu Yanyu still had lingering fears when she thought of the dangers of the previous step-up process.

    "Are you here to buy spirit birds?" Chu Yanyu asked.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Yes, my little aunt came to buy animal meat too."

    Chu Yanyu sighed and said, "My clouded leopard smelled the meat here, so it lay on the ground and refused to leave, so I had no choice but to Come here and buy him some meat to eat." Chu Yanyu's cloud-walking leopard likes to eat blue-blooded hurricane rabbits, one rabbit is 300 gold coins, Chu Yanyu bought five and spent 1,500 gold coins, and the meat hurts.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "It should be, it should be."

    Chu Yanyu: "..."

    Chu Yanyu's eyes were fixed on the string of chickens beside the little fox. Chu Yanyu didn't look carefully at first. I just thought it was an ordinary chicken, and when I saw the breed of the chicken, there was a bit of surprise in my eyes.

    " this herbal chicken?" Chu Yanyu asked.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "My aunt has good eyesight, she is indeed a herbal chicken."

    Chu Yanyu: "...Why did you buy so many herbal chickens?"

    Chu Ye blinked innocently and said, "Little fox If you want to eat, you can't stop it."

    Chu Yanyu said strangely, "You guys are too used to this fox." This group of chickens cost tens of thousands of gold coins.

    Chu Yanyu had borrowed a lot of foreign debts for the advanced soul master. She had just become an advanced soul master, so she was shy, and she spent a little bit of money.

    Chu Yanyu originally thought that it was a bit extravagant to buy a rabbit for the Cloud Treading Leopard, but she suddenly felt as if she had treated her Cloud Treading Leopard badly.

    Seeing that Lin Chuwen prepared so many herbal chickens for the little fox, he couldn't help but feel a little complicated, so many chickens were actually for the fox to eat, Chu Yanyu secretly sighed that people are not as good as chickens.

    Chu Yanyu glanced at Lin Chuwen a few times, her pupils slowly dilated, and then she said in surprise, "Chuwen, you are also an advanced soul master?"

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Yes."

    Chu Yanyu looked at Lin Chuwen in disbelief.

    Chu Ye has advanced, and Lin Chuwen has also advanced. She has spent a lot of hard work to successfully advance, but the advancement of Chu Ye and the two is as simple as eating and drinking.

    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen were less than 20 years old. In the Qingyun Sect, it was rare to become a soul master at this age!

    I heard clearly that it is very difficult for non-sect cultivators to advance. Chu Yanyu has always been proud of herself as a sect cultivator, but this will make her cognition all the time broken!

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