Chapter 169 Ripening Potion

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    Monkey Village.

    "Patriarch, can these two be trusted?" Hou Liang asked anxiously as he walked to the old patriarch.

    The old patriarch frowned and said, "I don't know."

    Monkey Village has always been xenophobic. In fact, the old patriarch didn't trust Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen very much. It was just that the village was understaffed and could only look for foreign aid.

    "There is no better way now."

    Hou Liang scratched his head and said, "Before, the people of Li Village bought the ripening agent to ripen the pears of the pear tree, and the bottom of the pear tree was damaged. There is no fruit for the year."

    The relationship between Linghou Village and Li Village is good. The Danxia pears grown in Li Village have a sweet taste and strong aura, and are very popular with spirit beasts. After the village's pear tree went wrong, the trade stopped.

    The old patriarch nodded and said, "I also know this. When the potion is refined, only one blood spirit fruit tree will be ripened. Let's see the situation first."

    Lingquan water has the effect of ripening spirit grass. Wen easily refined the ripening potion.

    There are no pharmacists in Monkey Village, and they live in isolation. There are very few opportunities to come into contact with medicines on weekdays. I heard that Lin Chuwen refined the ripening medicine, and the villagers rushed out one by one to watch the fun.

    Chu Ye found that not only villagers but also many monkeys came to watch the medicinal results.

    The expressions of the villagers and monkeys are surprisingly consistent.

    The old patriarch poured the potion on the root of a blood spirit fruit tree. Soon after the potion fell, the light red fruit on the tree quickly turned blood red.

    Seeing this scene, the old patriarch couldn't help but widen his eyes, and many villagers let out a burst of shock.

    Chu Ye noticed a lot of monkeys, and he also opened his mouth round and his eyes widened.

    Xiaobai looked at the reaction of the villagers and monkeys in the monkey village, rolled his eyes, and seemed to despise these people and monkeys for being ignorant.

    The blood spirit fruit is on the verge of maturity, and when it is urged by the spirit spring medicine, it matures in the blink of an eye.

    The old patriarch picked a blood spirit fruit and tasted it, and confirmed that there was no problem with the spirit fruit, and the blood spirit fruit tree was no different, and he was immediately overjoyed.

    "Lin Shao, is this potion useful for other spirit herbs?" the patriarch asked.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "The effect is almost the same." The

    old patriarch poured a little of the potion on a star bead fruit. After the star bead fruit absorbed the potion, the fruit instantly grew a lot.

    The old patriarch was overjoyed when he looked at Xingzhuguo. Xingzhuguo is a relatively delicate elixir. If the medicine has side effects, the Xingzhuguo will wither in a short time. The medicine should have no side effects.

    Looking at the old patriarch's actions, Lin Chuwen could probably guess the other party's concerns, and he didn't break it.

    The patriarch of the monkey village looked at Lin Chuwen's expression, and was a little embarrassed. Knowing that the potion was fine, the old patriarch sincerely asked Lin Chuwen to make a potion that could ripen the blood spirit fruit.

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