Chapter 59 The reason for the locust plague

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    Chu Ye and the two rested in Xiangcheng for a while before leaving.

    "Is there Sanyang City in front?" Chu Ye asked in a murmur.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Yes."

    Sanyang City is the top ten big city in Yunzhou, and it is very prosperous.

    Chu Ye looked at the huge city gate and felt that it opened his eyes, "Sure enough, a mountain is still a mountain high! I thought Xiangcheng was already big enough, but Sanyang City was several times bigger than Xiangcheng. "

    Let's go into the city." Lin Chuwen said.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Okay."

    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen paid three gold coins each before entering the city.

    Chu Ye shook his head and couldn't help sighing, "As expected of a big city! The entry fee is not covered." The entry fee is three gold coins, and the commoners probably wouldn't dare to enter the city. monthly living expenses.

    Lin Chuwen smiled and said, "It's a big city after all."

    Before, Sanyang City was also plagued by insects. Many spirit masters in the city took action to destroy locusts. Group influence is not great.

    "There are many shops in Sanyang City! You should be able to buy everything you want to buy." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said expectantly, "It should be."

    Lin Chuwen's eyes were bright, obviously he had a lot of expectations for Sanyang City.

    Many villages outside suffered from the plague of locusts, and there were many sorrows, but Sanyang City was still prosperous, with people coming and going, and it was very lively.

    Upstairs in the flower building, a beautifully dressed woman is waving a scented handkerchief and smiling.

    Chu Ye looked at the crowded Hualou and thought to himself: Sure enough, things like the locust plague are not related to many rich people.

    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen found a restaurant and sat down to rest.

    In the restaurant, several disciples from aristocratic families were talking eloquently.

    After the locust plague ended, the major forces in Yunzhou finally had time to calm down and investigate the ins and outs of the locust plague.

    Locust plagues broke out in so many places in Yunzhou at the same time, and there are still many clues exposed.

    Chu Ye listened to a few family members talking for a while, and got to know a little bit about it.

    The people behind the locust plague are the ancestors of the five poisons and his grandson. The ancestors of the five poisons, Fengzhou, are the strong soul kings. There are five soul pets in their hands, all of which are highly poisonous and very difficult to deal with.

    His grandson is the little poison king Fang Ming, and he secretly contracted a locust king.

    In order to assist the grandson's locust king and advance to the king level, the ancestors of the five poisons planned the locust disaster in Yunzhou.

    Some forces in Fengzhou have provided certain human support in order to befriend the ancestors of the Five Poisons.

    The ancestors of the Five Poisons let people set up hundreds of worm nests in Yunzhou, causing the locust plague to sweep tens of millions of acres of fields in Yunzhou.

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