Chapter 21 Bloodline Awakening Potion

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    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen went to Zhuxi Town to sell the crystal nucleus and the newly found elixir, and they got 400 gold coins. In addition to Chu Ye's original deposit, Chu Ye already had more than 600 in his hands. Now that you have gold coins, you can consider purchasing the medicinal materials for Awakening Potion.

    Lin Chuwen went to the pharmacy and handed the prepared medicine to the pharmacy shopkeeper.

    "Peiyuan Liquid, have you really prepared it?" The pharmacy owner said in surprise.

    It is not easy to be a pharmacist. Most people need a guide if they want to become a pharmacist.

    Zhuxi Town is only a small place, and Lin Chuwen is so young, the owner of the herbal medicine store did not expect that Lin Fang could really succeed.

    Lin Chuwen nodded lightly, "There are twenty-five in total, you can identify it." The

    owner of the herbal medicine store regained his serious expression, and carefully checked the quality of the medicine, and found that the quality of the medicine was somewhat unexpected.

    "It's a good Yuan-boosting liquid, I can buy it with eight gold coins."

    Lin Chuwen shook his head and said, "One ten gold coins, half of my batch of Yuan-boosting liquid are middle grade."

    Lin Chu Wen has followed his grandfather since he was a child, and he still has a certain understanding of the price of medicines.

    The owner of the herbal medicine store smiled and said, "You said that, okay."

    Chu Ye glanced at Lin Chuwen and felt that the other person seemed to be glowing, which was completely different from when they first met.

    Lin Chuwen took out a list of medicines and said, "Please give me these medicines." The

    owner of the medicine store looked at the list of medicines that Lin Chuwen handed over, and couldn't help but say, "A lot!"

    Lin Chuwen A list of eight commonly used medicinal herbs is listed on the list, because it will not be long before I try to prepare bloodline awakening medicinals. Lin Chuwen urgently wants to improve his ability to prepare spirit medicines and prepares to refine several more medicinals. try it.

    The owner of the herbal medicine store smiled and said, "Little friend, there are a lot of medicines that you want to refine. It's not easy to be a teacher!"

    Chu Ye narrowed his eyes and said impatiently, "Boss, are you asking too many questions?" The

    owner of the herbal medicine store smiled awkwardly and said, "It's me who made the photo, please forgive me!"

    Lin Chuwen needed too many medicinal materials this time, and just spent the two hundred gold coins for selling medicines.

    There is no blood burning purple leaf grass in the medicine store, but there are bone washing flowers. Chu Ye spent two hundred gold coins to buy two bone washing flowers.

    In order to ensure the success rate of the medicine, the pharmacist will prepare a few more pieces of medicinal materials, but the blood awakening medicine is too expensive, Chu Ye plans to prepare two sets of medicinal materials.

    The owner of the herbal medicine store was still surprised that Lin Chuwen was refining the potion. Seeing that Chu Ye spent a lot of money, he bought two bone-washing flowers, and secretly suspected that there were powerful pharmacists behind the two.

    After buying the herbs, the two walked out of the herb store.

    Chu Ye frowned and said, "Blood-burning purple-leaf grass, there's no such thing here!"

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