Chapter 23 Gathering Herbs

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    After settling in, Chu Ye entered the jade pendant space and checked the condition of several dragon heart grasses.

    Moved into the space dragon heart grass, nearly half withered.

    Three of the eight-leafed dragon heart grass also withered. Seeing so many dragon heart grass dead, Chu Ye felt a little uncomfortable.

    However, Chu Ye soon discovered that two of the eight-leaf dragon's heart grass had grown ninth buds, and Wuzhu's original seven-leaf dragon's heart grass had grown into eight leaves.

    Chu Ye hooked the corner of his mouth and said secretly: There are so many dragon heart grass, as long as one grows, he will not lose.

    Chu Ye leaned against the tree trunk and couldn't help thinking of Lin Chuwen.

    When he came to this world, he had always been alone, and suddenly there was someone he cared about. Chu Ye couldn't help but feel a little strange.

    There are some high-grade silver-winged bees in the bee colony, and there are sufficient flower sources, and the daily output of honey is far greater than before.

    Five days later, Chu Ye received a total of thirty jars of the first wave of honey.

    At the same time, one of the dragon heart grass in Chu Ye's space finally grew to nine leaves.

    Chu Ye decided to leave the valley and go to the city to see the situation.

    Furong Town is much larger than Zhuxi Town, and the streets are very lively with people coming and going.

    Chu Ye sold the honey to the business. One jar of honey was priced at 3 gold coins, and he got 90 gold coins in total. Chu Ye sold the nine-leaf dragon heart grass by the way. The price given by the drug store in Furong Town was slightly higher than that in Zhuxi Town. So, the nine-leaf dragon heart grass sold for one hundred and five gold coins.

    After receiving the gold coins, Chu Ye asked around the town. As a result, although there were many businesses in Furong Town, there was not a pharmacy village that was burning blood and purple leaf grass, but a pharmacy said that there were three plants a month ago, and they were all covered. Yes, you can pre-order, but Chu Ye almost vomited blood as he didn't know when it would be in stock.

    He didn't buy the blood-burning purple-leaf grass, but Chu Ye bought a piece of red blood jade. One piece cost 500 gold coins, which made Chu Ye's flesh hurt.

    If you didn't buy the blood-burning purple leaf grass, you still have to earn gold coins.

    After buying the Scarlet Blood Jade, Chu Ye's net worth has shrunk greatly. If he doesn't work hard to make money, even if dozens of blood-burning purple-leaf grasses are placed in front of him, he can't do anything.

    During this period of time, Chu Ye had been putting bees and told Xiaoyin to look for the precious medicinal materials in the valley. After a while, Xiaoyin really found a lot of good medicinal materials. Although there were no particularly precious ones, there were quite a few There are many medicinal materials.

    Chu Ye had asked Xiaoyin to recite the spirit sketchbook before, but it had little effect.

    After Xiaoyin and the little fox went out hunting, Xiaoyin's ability to recognize spirit grass increased day by day.

    When the little fox goes out hunting, he will bring it back to Lin Chuwen when he encounters the elixir. Lin Chuwen often explains the elixir to the little fox.

    Seeing that the little fox knew so many spirit grasses, Xiaoyin was not far behind, and took the initiative to learn the identification of spirit grasses.

    Chu Ye sighed to himself that the learning environment is really important! There is a studious companion, and Xiaoyin is also motivated.

    There are many spirit grasses in Huanhua Valley. Chu Ye transplanted some of them into the jade pendant space, and planned to deal with them and sell them.

    Three days later, Chu Ye sold a batch of medicinal materials for a total of 150 gold coins.

    Seeing that Chu Ye, who had sold the spirit grass, came back from the town, Xiao Yin rushed towards Chu Ye with excitement, his eyes full of joy.

    Chu Ye was a little baffled by Xiaoyin's reaction.

    Chu Ye soon understood why Xiaoyin was so happy. Xiaoyin actually found a blood-burning purple-leaf grass in the mountains.

    As Chu Ye's soul pet, Xiao Yin knew that Chu Ye had been working on the bloodline awakening potion recently, and also knew that this potion would be of great benefit to him.

    Xiaoyin is the bloodline of the queen bee, and is much smarter than ordinary silver-winged bees. Xiaoyin himself is also very concerned about the bloodline awakening potion.

    Chu Ye didn't buy the blood-burning purple leaf grass, so he was a little anxious, and Xiaoyin also felt uncomfortable.

    "Take me there to see." Chu Ye said.

    Xiaoyin nodded and summoned the bees to escort Chu Ye into the valley.

    Chu Ye followed the mighty swarm and entered the inner valley.

    Under the leadership of the swarm, Chu Ye saw a blood-burning purple-leaf grass swaying in the wind.

    Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it. Chu Ye is in a very happy mood, and promises Xiaoyin that he will buy him a soul crystal of 100 gold coins as a reward.

    The blood-burning purple-leaf grass found by Xiaoyin has a total of eleven plants, none of which are mature.

    Chu Ye didn't take it seriously. He was very clear about the role of Lingquan. This blood-burning purple-leaf grass was about to mature and could be ripened with Lingquan. Chu Ye immediately poured all the blood-burning purple-leaf grass. Lingquan.

    After discovering the blood-burning purple-leaf grass, Chu Ye didn't care about other things, and put all his mind and heart under the care of the blood-burning purple-leaf grass.

    Seven days later, two blood-burning purple-leaf grass matured, and five withered.

    Seeing that the caravan was about to return, Chu Ye couldn't wait, and directly transplanted a few immature blood-burning purple-leaf grasses into the space.

    Chu Ye went to Furong Town before the return of the caravan.

    Sixty jars of honey were sold for 180 gold coins, and another batch of medicinal materials was sold for 210 gold coins.

    Chu Ye has a lot of gold coins in his hand, and the materials for the bloodline awakening potion are also ready, so it doesn't hurt to spend it at all.

    Chu Ye bought a soul core of one hundred gold coins for Xiaoyin, and also prepared a piece of the same grade for Xuebao.

    Chu Ye also bought some broken soul crystals, and some low-level soul crystals of the first and second tiers. Xiaoyin had to let the bee swarms drink some soup after eating meat.

    During this period of time, Chu Ye has been feeding Xiaoyin with Lingquan to coerce and lure those subordinates who came back. Those silver-winged bees have benefited from it. They have become a lot more docile recently. Will not defect.

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