chapter 33 xiao yin fifth level.

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    Three days later, Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen returned to Longya Village.

    Chu Ye released Xiaoyin, and when he was out, Chu Ye was worried that people outside would see his footsteps and kept Xiaoyin locked, but Xiaoyin was suffocated.

    As soon as Xiaoyin was released, he rushed to the back mountain with Xuebao.

    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye, and said in surprise: "You said that using Shamugen, Qinglancao, Shuiyunguo... smelted potions, plus that transparent jade, you can get a soul liquid with the same effect as a soul stone. Are you sure?"

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "I don't know, you can try it."

    "Shamugen, Qinglancao, Shuiyunguo... These seem to be the medicinal materials for refining the fire-releasing potion!" Lin Chu Wen muttered.

    "Lihuo Potion, a low-level antidote?" Chu Ye asked.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Yes."

    Chu Ye felt stable when he heard Lin Chuwen say this.

    The person who discovered this in the book was a low-level pharmacist with a low level of potion. When the other party was refining a low-level potion, the transparent jade used for decoration on his head accidentally fell off, and he accidentally discovered a mutant soul stone.

    After discovering the mutant soul jade, this person was so excited that he refined a large amount of soul-replenishing liquid, and was accidentally discovered by a big family. Leaked, the pharmacist was killed.

    Chu Ye said mysteriously: "This is what my mother told me, and this is a secret my mother's family has not passed down."

    Chu Ye couldn't explain the reason for the incident, so he simply pushed the incident to his mother who passed away. , anyway, is dead without proof.

    Lin Chuwen was stunned for a moment, and immediately widened his eyes, "Ah! So you tell me, wouldn't you..."

    Chu Ye smiled and said nonchalantly, "It's okay, you are not an outsider."

    Lin Chu When Wen heard Chu Ye's words, his heart skipped a beat, and he lowered his head and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else."

    Lin Chuwen followed Chu Ye's method to smelt the transparent jade. He tried three pieces in a row to no avail. As a result, the fourth piece finally reacted. A cloud of clear soul liquid was taken out. Lin Chuwen took a little taste. After a moment, he said: "It's really similar to the soul liquid after smelting the soul stone. So, is it really a mutant soul stone?"

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "It should be right."

    Lin Chuwen couldn't help but said. : "In this case, we will send it."

    How expensive is the soul stone! With this kind of mutant soul jade, you can save a lot of money to buy soul stones.

    Chu Ye frowned and said, "It's better to handle this matter carefully."

    If they were not careful, they could easily end up in the same fate as the pharmacist in the book. He and Lin Chuwen were still too weak.

    When Lin Chuwen thought about it, he understood Chu Ye's concerns, "Let's make some for ourselves first."

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Okay."

    Anyway, the price of colorless soul jade is very low, and it will be bad if it is refined. Don't feel too distressed, Lin Chuwen let go and started refining the medicine.

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