Chapter 72 Conquering the Flame

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    A few days later, Chu Ye tried to open the door again.

    Chu Ye put his hand on the soul power tester on the door and poured all his soul power into it.

    The soul liquid column on the gate skyrocketed, and finally broke through the top marking and reached the standard.

    The door began to vibrate slowly, separating to the sides.

    Chu Ye breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally achieved."

    Lin Chuwen couldn't help but said, "It's really not easy."

    Chu Ye thought: "It's really not easy! Continuing to drink like this, he will have to wonder if he will be poisoned by alcohol, Chu Wen is right! In fact, there is nothing wrong with the stone blocking the door, at least you don't have to worry about working hard for a long time, or it will be in vain.

    Because of the time, as the door opened, the cave began to vibrate and dust flew.

    As soon as the door opened, a strong spiritual energy rushed towards him, and Chu Ye felt refreshed.

    "It's so comfortable!" Chu Ye sighed subconsciously.

    This secret room feels a bit like the training room they rented, but the aura here is more intense.

    They originally rented the training room for 3,000 gold coins a month. Chu Ye felt that with the level of this secret room, it would cost 20,000 gold coins a month. It would be very beneficial to practice here for a period of time.

    Lin Chuwen took a breath of spiritual energy and enjoyed it. "There must be spiritual veins in this place, and they are still of good quality."

    Walking into the secret room, Lin Chuwen saw a spirit pond with a crystal clear lotus floating in the spirit pond.

    There is a small flame burning in the center of the lotus, and that burning flame is exactly the original goal of Lin Chuwen's trip, the ice lotus fire.

    The ice lotus fire was translucent, a small ball, and looked extremely beautiful.

    "What a beautiful flame!"

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Yeah!" There are thousands of sparks in the world, and such beautiful ones are rare. However, sparks are sparks, and no matter how beautiful they are, there are risks.

    "What is that?" Chu Ye asked, looking at the green beads floating on the water.

    Lin Chuwen fished out a few beads, and said happily: "It seems to be a lotus seed of ice and fire."

    Lin Chuwen took a lotus seed and swallowed it.

    Chu Ye couldn't stop it, and said helplessly: "Why are you eating indiscriminately!"

    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye's nervous look, and smiled lightly, "Don't worry, I know the sense of proportion, this lotus seed is not poisonous, but it is fine. Strengthen your physique."

    "Is it delicious?" Chu Ye leaned over and asked.

    Lin Chuwen took a lotus seed and handed it to Chu Ye, "Try it."

    Chu Ye didn't suspect him, he took the lotus seed and ate it. There seemed to be a flame burning in his belly.

    Chu Ye felt that the flames in his stomach were burning more and more vigorously, and he felt a burning pain all over him.

    Chu Ye was sweating profusely, and when he turned around, he saw Lin Chuwen's somewhat playful smile.

    "Are you all right?" Lin Chuwen said.

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