Chapter 60 Sanyang City Auction

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    Chu Ye and the two rented a small yard in Sanyang City for five hundred gold coins a month, and planned to renovate them in the city for a period of time.

    After settling down, Lin Chuwen couldn't wait to take out the medicine tripod, wash and dry it, and prepare to refine the medicine.

    Seeing Lin Chuwen's excited look, Chu Ye was a little amused. Lin Chuwenming clearly likes this medicine tripod! When I bought it, it was like cutting meat.

    After a few months, Lin Chuwen started the refining of the primary bloodline medicine again.

    A total of six medicinal materials, Lin Chuwen spent three days refining in batches, the success rate reached half, and a total of nine bloodline awakening medicines were recovered.

    Chu Ye looked at the potions made by Lin Chuwen, and said with some joy: "We are going to make a fortune!"

    Lin Chuwen spent 4,000 on the medicinal materials, and the nine blood potions were sold at the market price, which should be able to sell for 27,000. This time, all the money for the medicine tripod and the medicinal materials came back, "You are amazing."

    Chu Ye secretly said: The pharmacist really made a fortune! According to the book, Lin Chuwen should have provided the male protagonist Mu Lingtian with a lot of medicine.

    Mu Lingtian couldn't use it up himself, and he distributed it to his subordinates. With Lin Chuwen's medicine, Mu Lingtian made a lot of connections, and this scumbag made a lot of money.

    Lin Chuwen shook his head and said, "I'm not that good, I still have to rely on the spiritual spring water."

    Before that, the success was based on the spiritual spring water, and it is still the same now.

    If there is no spiritual spring water, it is not easy to succeed once in six times.

    Lingquan water is really amazing, and I don't know where Chu Ye got it from. Knowing that the spring water was Chu Ye's secret, Lin Chuwen didn't ask any further questions.

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "That's very powerful. If it were me, no amount of spiritual spring water would help."

    Lin Chuwen shook his head and laughed, and said, "Your mind is not on refining pharmaceuticals! "

    Lin Chuwen secretly said: Chu Ye's soul power is not weak, and he has something like spiritual spring water in his hand. If he learns potions, he is likely to become a master of potions. Unfortunately, he has no interest in potions.

    "You can do it." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen smiled and said: "You don't think my level is bad."

    "How could it be?" Chu Ye rubbed his chin and asked, "How to deal with these medicines?"

    Lin Chuwen thought about it and said: "Send it to the auction house."

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Alright." It is generally more cost-effective to sell things to the auction house than to sell them to shops.

    There are many soul pet masters in Sanyang City, and there are several auction houses. Several bloodline awakening potions were sent to the auction house here, and they should have been digested silently.

    After comparison, the two chose Qi Yue Auction House in Sanyang City.

    Qi Yue's auction house has a good reputation, and there will be an auction in half a month after the auction. If you send the medicine to the Qi Yue auction, you can get the final payment as soon as possible.

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