Chapter 167 Investigating Locust Nests

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    After receiving the task, the monks dispersed.

    Hu Mingyue walked up to Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen, "Young Master Chu looks very relaxed! It looks like he has a plan."

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "It's okay."

    Hu Mingyue looked at Chu Ye with a mood It's a little strange. Which of the monks in this hall is not worried, but Chu Ye looks unexpectedly relaxed. He looks a little out of place.

    "The area assigned by the two of you seems to be crammed with a nest of tarantulas, so be careful!" Hu Mingyue reminded.

    Chu Ye said nonchalantly, "No problem."

    There are only two tarantula dens in a nest, and Xiao Yin and a few subordinates can easily sweep them away.

    Seeing Chu Ye's confident look, Hu Mingyue secretly said, "I'm really getting old!" The concentration is so much worse than Chu Ye and the two.

    "Young Daoyou Qian is not in a good mood!" Hu Mingyue looked at Old Man Qian and said.

    Old Man Qian bowed his hands to the two of them embarrassedly, and said, "Ashamed, there should be a group of devil wolves entrenched in the place I was assigned to. If I encounter it during the investigation process, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome.

    " For this kind of task, you can still hire some bodyguards, but at this time, no one can spare.

    "That's it! Fellow Daoist Qian should be more careful." Hu Mingyue's assigned search area is not too small, and it can't help much, so she can only verbally reassure her.

    Hu Mingyue looked at Mr. Qian and secretly said: "It's normal for Mr. Qian to be like this. Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen seem to be too calm.

    Chu Ye crossed his arms and said, "How about I send a team of bees to help?" When Old Man

    Qian heard Chu Ye's words, he was immediately overjoyed, "Is it alright?"

    Chu Ye said nonchalantly, "This is nothing. event."

    Chu Ye had gotten along pretty well with the Qian family in recent years, and he was happy to help.

    There are several silver-winged wasps under Chu Ye's generals. When the time comes, they will divide one out, restrain their breath, hide in the bee colony, and bless the Qian family's safety. It should be okay.

    Hu Mingyue looked at Chu Ye and said with some doubts: "Young Master Chu has allocated a lot of space for detection! Can you still spare your energy?"

    Chu Ye said nonchalantly, "No problem! I don't have much here. There are just too many bees." As for the

    dozen or so warlord silver-winged bees, the task that Si Dongfeng arranged for him was nothing at all.

    Hu Mingyue said enviously, "Young Master Chu, it's really amazing!"

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "It's easy to say, easy to say."

    Hu Mingyue looked at Chu Ye's expression, and felt a strong confidence from him. If other people were so arrogant, Hu Mingyue would probably feel that the other party was young and frivolous, but Chu Ye said it, making Hu Mingyue feel that the other party was unfathomable.

    The old man Qian said gratefully: "There is less labor."

    Chu Ye waved his hand and said, "It's a small matter."


    Soon, Liangjiecheng began to investigate the locust nest.

    The monks in the two world cities were all mobilized, and the power they exerted was not small.

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