chapter 156 Retake Inheritance.

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    As soon as he came out of the cave mansion in Liangjiecheng, he encountered a group of thieves, vultures, and lunatics one after another. Chu Ye was worried that there was still danger on the road, so he walked cautiously.

    Unexpectedly, after encountering the old madman, the road became much smoother, and there was no danger along the way.

    Three days later, Xuebao recovered from his injuries, regained his mobility, and traveled much faster.

    After more than half a month, Chu Ye and the two finally arrived at Mocheng, a big city in Yunzhou.

    "This city is not bad, let's clean up some things on our body." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Okay."

    Chu Ye looked at the shops on both sides, thinking about what he could sell.

    It has been a long time since the annihilation of the Ziluo Sect. Chu Ye and the two obtained a lot of good things in the Ziluo sect. personal legacy.

    Back then, the wind was tight, and the two were weak, and Chu Ye didn't dare to sell many things. Later, there were always rumors that they had obtained the inheritance of the Ziluo Sect.

    Now that a few years have passed, the wind has gradually diminished, and not many people know that he and Lin Chuwen came to Mocheng, which is a good time to sell supplies.

    Chu Ye hid his identity and sold the loot he had earned back then and the thieves and others.

    Chu Ye sold it all at once, and the space ring was half empty.

    After selling some unused supplies, Chu Ye gained 2.5 million gold coins.

    In addition to the original gold coins on the thieves group and others, Chu Ye's net worth reached more than 3.4 million.

    Before the mutual market, the two of them were tossed to buy supplies, one was poor and the other was white. This would finally be rich, and Chu Ye was in a good mood.

    "Finally rich." Chu Ye said happily.

    Lin Chuwen held his chin and said, "When I went to the business to sell medicines today, I saw the Yongquan Stone."

    Lin Chuwen sold a batch of low-level potions in the city. Having learned the lesson of selling potions in the black market of the Two Realms City, Lin Chuwen was very cautious about selling potions this time, and only picked out a batch of the most common ones for sale. Sold it for 600,000.

    Chu Ye said excitedly: "Good stuff! Buy it!"

    Lin Chuwen smiled bitterly and said, "That stone costs 800,000 yuan, and I don't have enough money on me, so I gave up, I think the price of the stone is a bit false. It's too high."

    Lin Chuwen didn't bring many gold coins, and when he saw the Yongquan Stone, it was very unfortunate that he only had 600,000 on him.

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "The 800,000 spring stone must be of good quality."

    "The stone is really of good quality. It is the largest piece I have ever seen. It is said to be from the Ziluo Sect. It was taken out of one of the medicine gardens in my house, if the Ziluo sect is not destroyed, relying on the spring stone, it should be able to create a good cultivation place, but the Ziluo sect is destroyed, and the appearance is really good."

    Chu Ye Nodding his head, he said, "Sounds like a good thing."

    Money, whether you bring it with you in life, or bring it with you in death, should be replaced with useful resources for peace of mind.

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