Chapter 107 Neighbors

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    Chu Ye and the two quickly arrived at the location of the cave. The entire cave was closed. Weeds grew outside the cave and looked a little depressed.

    Chu Ye saw a few cultivators poking their heads beside him, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

    Chu Ye checked a little, and found that the peeping was a few spirit warriors, and none of them were too strong.

    Chu Ye pondered that it should be the neighbors on the left and right to check his details, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

    Chu Ye had already inquired about it before he came. The Qian family lived on the left side of his area, and most of the money the Qian family contracted were rat spirit beasts.

    The Qian family master has a spirit-seeking mouse, which has been trained to the rank of general. Although the combat power is average, it is a good player in seeking spiritual veins.

    Many of the spiritual veins on the periphery of the Two Realms City were found by this spirit-seeking mouse.

    There are many people in the Qian family who have contracted with the drug-seeking rat, and the drug-seeking rat is very good at finding elixir in the barren mountains.

    When many mercenary teams are in action, they like to hire a disciple of the Qian family to help them find spiritual medicine. The ability of the drug-seeking rat is good. There is such a medicine-seeker in the team. The same route, the harvested spirit grass can generally increase by 30%. The disciples of the family were not strong enough to fight, and they happened to be guarded by the mercenary team, and the two sides could also be considered mutually beneficial.

    The Qian family also has a more precious spirit mouse, the golden mouse, which can search for mineral veins.

    The blood of the Qian family's gold-seeking rat is not too pure, and most of them are not high-level. The ability to find ore veins is average, and the name is not as big as the spirit-seeking mouse. Even so, many people still like to ask the Qian family to find ore veins.

    In addition to these relatively precious spirit mice, the Qian family also has quite a few gophers.

    Gophers are good at digging the ground, and this kind of spirit rat is very helpful in planting spirit fields.

    A spirit mouse can turn over an acre of spiritual fields in a day. Some families in Liangjie City lack a spiritual husband and sometimes hire a gopher from the Qian family to turn the ground.

    In general, the strength of the Qian family is not strong, but relying on the unique skills of the spirit mouse, they have a lot of connections.

    The Qian family originally lived in the city, but it may be because there are not many spiritual fields in the city, or they were excluded and moved outside the city.

    Before the beast swarm, many families suffered heavy losses. The Qian family was timid and fearful. They discovered something was wrong early and hid early. The strength of the entire family was well preserved.

    Many people in Liangjiecheng feel that the Qian family is greedy for life and fear of death.

    Although the reputation is a little worse, the Qian family has preserved their strength in the previous beast tide, and many families have been wiped out. It can be said that they still made money. In this world, survival is the most important thing.

    On the right side of their cave dwelling was the Hu family. Unlike the Qian family, the Hu family mainly depended on soul beast hunting for a living, and the family members were very warlike.

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