Chapter 14 Soul Pet Lifespan

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    The honey brewed by the bee colony exceeded fifty altars. Chu Ye rented the ox cart from the Chen family and went to the city to sell honey.

    Chu Ye pulled the honey into the Chu family shop as usual, and the shopkeeper checked the silver snow honey and was very satisfied.

    "Young Master Ye, the quality of this batch of honey seems to have improved slightly compared to the last batch!" Chu     Ye

    smiled and said, "It should be."

Broken Soul Crystal, the bee colony has become stronger, and the quality of honey has naturally improved.

    "This batch of honey is worth 80 gold coins," said the shopkeeper of the commercial bank.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Okay."

    Knowing that Chu Ye's honey sold for 80 gold coins, several villagers almost drooled with envy, but Chu Ye was a little worried.

    "What's wrong with Young Master Chu? Are you in a bad mood?" Chen Nan looked at Chu Ye with a strange mood.

    This ordinary villager should have been crazy with joy for selling so many gold coins, but Chu Ye didn't seem to be very happy.

    Chen Nan thought to himself: The thoughts of these eldest young masters are really not understandable to ordinary people, and they are not happy after selling so much money.

    Chu Ye thought to himself: What are eighty gold coins? Not enough money at all! Buying a soul core for Xiaoyin is about half way down. Xiaoyin has advanced to the third rank, and his combat power has greatly increased. This is a good thing, but the consumption of the same opponent is also increasing day by day.

    Chu Ye smiled reluctantly, and said, "I'm just thinking about the flower source."

    Recently, the silver snow bee at home has become stronger. It stands to reason that the honey produced in this way should be more. There was a problem with the source, many wild flowers in the mountains withered, the flower source was severely reduced, and the flower source in the village was also exhausted.

    Silver-winged bees can produce honey all year round, but this requires flower sources in place. If there are no flower sources, silver-winged bees will not only be unable to collect honey, but will also consume the saved honey.

    Chen Nan nodded and said, "Huayuan, this is indeed a problem."

    Chen Nan thought to himself: Chu Ye's bee colony is so profitable to make honey, it would be a pity if it was interrupted like this. Chen Nan thought about it and felt that Chu Ye made more than 100 gold coins in a month, even if the flower source was cut off. It doesn't matter, more than 100 gold coins are enough for ordinary people to pass a few years.

    After Chu Ye sold the honey, he left the commercial building. The shop assistant looked at Chu Ye's back, and something strange flashed in his eyes.

    "Uncle, I heard from those villagers that Young Master Ye seems to have become a soul pet master." The businessman and the shopkeeper are somewhat related, and they are more embarrassed in front of the shopkeeper.

    The shopkeeper smiled and said lightly, "I heard."

    If it wasn't for the contract with Silver Winged Bee, Chu Ye wouldn't be able to do this honey business.

    "Would you like to report it!" The shopkeeper of the Chu family business has the right to recommend talents. Once the recommended talents are valued by the Chu family, the shopkeeper can also benefit.

    The shopkeeper shook his head and said, "No need."

    "No need?" The man scratched his head and said, "I think this Young Master Ye is very powerful." The

    shopkeeper smiled mysteriously and said, "You forgot the silver-winged bee. Is the lifespan of a common silver-winged bee? If the ordinary silver-winged bee cannot break through the scholar-level, the lifespan will not exceed eight years, and most of them will not exceed five years. "

    Once the soul pet dies, the soul pet master will also be severely damaged. This young master Ye will probably be in his condition for five or six years." The

    shopkeeper shook his head, obviously not optimistic about Chu Ye's future.

    The man blinked and said, "So, Young Master Ye, it will be obsolete in a few years?" The

    shopkeeper stroked his beard and nodded inscrutably, "Probably, but he has the skills to keep bees. If you have the ability, save more gold coins in the past few years, become a rich man in the future, and marry a few sweet wives and concubines.


    The shopkeeper smiled and said meaningfully: "A cultivator's first soul pet is the most important, the first soul pet is the wrong one, it will be difficult to get ahead in the future! In the eyes of the villagers, the spirit warriors of yours are already incredible, but in the big family, there are few low-level spirit warriors, and very few can get attention." The

    man said with some doubts: "Young Master Ye's ability is in the Can't the Chu family be ranked?"

    "This Young Master Ye's spirit power level doesn't seem to be very good, and the contract is a silver-winged bee. How can it be compared with the genius of the Chu family? It is said that the Chu family has a Chu Sichen. , you have successfully contracted a top-ranking snow leopard, that's really promising."

    "Master Chu Sichen, is it so powerful?" The man said with admiration.

    The shopkeeper nodded and said, "That's not it." The man thought about it and said, "Uncle, what if Young Master Ye contracted the silver-     winged

    queen bee?"

More, and the quality of the queen bee is very high.

    The shopkeeper sneered and said, "Queen bee, it's easier said than done, queen bee cubs are protected by a large army, not to mention, king-level cubs command many minions, most of them are arrogant people, how can they be willing to submit to others.

    " Nodding his head, he said, "Yes."

    Chu Ye didn't know anything about the exchanges between the Chu family's business manager and his buddies. After getting the gold coins, Chu Ye spent 4 gold coins to order 200 new pots from the pot shop. I spent 20 gold coins to buy spirit rice and spirit animal meat, and another 6 gold coins to buy some fast-growing spirit grass seeds.

    The villagers have long seen Chu Ye's ability to spend money, but every time they watch him spend so much money, they are still a little scared.

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