Chapter 89 Lose both.

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    Chu Ye looked at Huangyan Tianniu, his eyes glowing, "How much do you think you can sell this Huangyan Tianniu to a restaurant?"

    Huangyan Tianniu looked tough and should be delicious. What snowflake beef must be delicious.

    "Then the cow is still alive." Lin Chuwen said.

    Seeing that the soul beast was injured, the owner of Longyan Tianniu took medicine powder and sprinkled it on the Tianniu. The Huangyan Tianniu quickly recovered and stood up staggeringly.

    "Amazing! Really alive." Chu Ye said.

    "One of the characteristics of the wild flame beetle is that it has thick skin and thick flesh, which can resist most attacks." Lin Chuwen explained.

    After the wild flame beetle recovered a little, it spread its hoofs and charged towards Yang Zhen.

    Chu Ye said with some admiration, "This cow is brave enough! The one that was fried just now has the fragrant smell, but he still dares to rush." ​​Are you really not afraid of becoming a roast cow? It won't taste good if it's burnt.

    Lin Chuwen shrugged and said, "The bovine soul beast's brain is not very good, and it is very vengeful." Just suffered a big loss, this cow should be trying to find a way back.

    Yang Zhen once again sacrificed the jade plate that he had used before. The jade plate emitted a strong light and slammed into the bull's head. The Wild Flame Heavenly Bull broke blood in an instant, and the jade plate also attacked this time. After that, it shattered into pieces.

    The wild flame beetle was hit by the jade plate, screamed again, and fell to the ground with a bang.

    "This is called Yang Zhen, it's really amazing." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "It's really powerful, but it's mainly because of the power of the magic weapon."

    The equipment owned by the disciples of the big sects is beyond the reach of the patriarchs of ordinary families.

    When fighting outside, sect disciples can often easily defeat ordinary family disciples. Many times, they rely on the power of magic weapons.

    Yang Zhen suddenly vomited blood.

    Chu Ye was stunned for a moment, "Is he injured? When?"

    "The poison has attacked." A soul master of the Zhang family said excitedly.

    Yang Zhen's face was gloomy and gloomy. When he went to the Zhang family for help, the Zhang family welcomed him very warmly, but poisoned his tea.

    Although Yang Zhen reacted in the middle, he still drank half a cup of tea.

    After Yang Zhen found something wrong, he fled the Zhang family. As a result, several monks from the Zhang family were in hot pursuit.

    Yang Zhen used an antidote to temporarily suppress the poison under Zhang's family before. The medicine was not very symptomatic. After suppressing it for so long, the poison would have an unfortunate attack.

    The poison attacked a little quickly, and Yang Zhen's face was stained with a bit of cyan.

    Seeing that his physical condition has taken a turn for the worse, Yang Zhen's face is grim, "If you want my life, let's see who will die first."

    Yang Zhen took out a scroll from his body and pulled it away. Suddenly, a storm broke out in the battlefield. The scarred leopard soul beast was directly cut into several pieces. A soul master of the Zhang family was also involved in the storm and died quickly.

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