Chapter 44 Drugs that cannot escape.

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    Chu Ye and Lin Mengrong were talking in the room, and there was a sound of hooves outside.

    "Mengrong, I'm here." Chu Sichen strode into the house.

    Lin Mengrong stood up, suddenly her feet softened, and her face flushed, she fell into Chu Sichen's arms.

    Seeing this scene, Chu Ye felt a bad feeling in his heart.

    "Mengrong, what's wrong with you?" Chu Sichen asked anxiously.

    Lin Mengrong began to sweat non-stop.

    "Chu Ye, what did you do to Mengrong?"

    Chu Ye: "..." Heaven and earth conscience! He didn't do anything!

    "Mengrong, how are you? Why is your body so hot?" Chu Sichen looked at Lin Mengrong's expression, full of anxiety, and when his eyes turned to Chu Ye, he became extremely vicious, "Chu Ye, what are you doing? What?"

    Chu Ye: "I didn't do anything!"

    Chu Ye felt a chill in his heart, and secretly asked: Is the power of the plot so powerful? He has left the Chu family in Wuling City and hid in Longya Village, and what should have happened has happened.

    When Lin Chuwen heard the movement, he hurried out of the kitchen and stopped in front of Chu Ye with a sullen face.

    Although Lin Chuwen had been busy in the kitchen before, he had been listening to the movement outside with his ears pricked up. When he realized something was wrong, he ran out immediately.

    "What happened?" Lin Chuwen asked.

    Chu Sichen said angrily: "What happened? Chu Ye gave Mengrong an aphrodisiac, Chu Ye, I didn't expect that you would become like this. In the past, you liked visiting Hualou, but now you have come up with the drug. The matter, I originally thought you had changed your mind, but I didn't expect you to be as muddy as before and couldn't support the wall."

    Lin Chuwen and Chu Ye have been together for a while, and asked himself if he understood Chu Ye's character, Chu Sichen Lin Chuwen was very unhappy at such a condescending scolding of Chu Ye.

    "Chu Ye would not do such a thing." Lin Chuwen said.

    "Lin Shao, you can't be so partial to him just because you have a good relationship with Chu Ye. It's your cousin who uses traditional Chinese medicine. Who knows, if I hadn't arrived in time, what would have happened."

    Lin Chuwen said lightly: "I Right in the kitchen, if there is any movement, you will know as soon as you hear it, even if you don't come, nothing will happen."

    Chu Sichen said with a dark face, "You..."

    Lin Chuwen ignored Chu Sichen's black face. With a face, he said to himself: "Chu Ye's food for my cousin is all the cakes and tea I prepared. There

    is no problem." "Maybe he secretly drugged, and there are only your cousin and Chu Ye in the room. Who else is it not him?" Chu Sichen said angrily.

    Lin Chuwen argued with reason: "Why can't it be someone else? Besides, my cousin doesn't know when the medicine was taken." After her cousin came, Chu Ye always avoided her if she could. On the contrary, it was my cousin who kept posting it.

    "She's your cousin, so you just talk like that? It's a shame that your cousin misses you so much." Chu Sichen said displeasedly.

    Lin Chuwen secretly said: Who needs Lin Mengrong's thoughts, it would be good for Lin Mengrong to forget him completely!

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