Chapter 154 Completely wipe out the thieves group

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    Scarface tried to take back the black-eyed goshawk, but Chu Ye didn't want it to succeed, so he released some silver-winged wasps to attack Scarface.

    Seeing that the situation on the black-eyed goshawk was over, Chu Ye turned his attention to the little fox and Xiaocai.

    The little fox brought colorful phantom butterflies and dealt with several warlords and wolves.

    The little fox's confusion combined with Xiaocai's illusion, as soon as it was activated, several demon wolves were confused and killed each other.

    "If you have a soul pet of a soul master, it's more troublesome!" Chu Ye said dully.

    When Xiaocai was at the ninth rank of the scholar-rank, she could cooperate with the little fox to launch illusions to confuse the warlords and the beasts to kill each other. Now that Xiaocai has advanced to the warlords, the ability of a fox and a butterfly to confuse war beasts has increased. several times.

    If it is a wild beast, once it falls into the illusion, it is difficult to break free.

    However, a few wolf beasts all have masters. After initially falling into chaos, they quickly regained consciousness under the will of the soul pet master.

    It took a lot of effort for the little fox to confuse a few wolf beasts. When he saw a few wolf beasts wake up, he was furious and felt that his charm was questioned.

    Seeing this, Chu Ye waved his hand, and a large swarm of bees swarmed towards the soul pet masters of the thieves group.

    Seeing the swarm approaching, several soul pet masters immediately used their soul power to condense into a soul power barrier to prevent the swarm from invading.

    Chu Ye didn't expect the bee colony to kill the soul pet masters, just wanted the bee colony to restrict the movements of a few people.

    A soldier-level silver one was mixed in the swarm, and the combat power increased a lot.

    The soul power barrier condensed by several soul pet masters was constantly being collided with, and some were shaky.

    Several soul pet masters worked hard to maintain the soul power barrier. The physical quality of soul masters was much better than that of soul masters, but they were also flesh and blood. Once the barrier was broken, it would be difficult to withstand the bite of silver-winged bees.

    The little fox saw that several soul masters were entangled, and Le Diandian used the fox trick again.

    Xiao Cai danced in the air, instantly weaving out numerous illusions.

    Lin Chuwen threw an ecstasy potion in the direction of the three wolf beasts. After the potion bottle cracked, the pink mist quickly dispersed. Little Fox and Xiao Cai's fascination was powerful enough. Yes, but Lin Chuwen doesn't mind adding another insurance.

    With the aid of the potion, the three-headed wolf beast completely sank into the illusion.

    The little fox jumped around happily watching the three wolf beasts fighting happily.

    Among the three wolf beasts, there is a sixth-order warlord who eats the sky and greed for the wolf. This wolf beast likes to eat raw meat.

    The two warriors were fourth-order warriors, both of which were golden-backed wolves, and their bloodlines were much different.

    Under the influence of the illusion, the two rank-4 wolves regarded the rank-6 wolf beasts as enemies and desperately besieged the rank-6 greedy wolf.

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