Chapter 53 Return to Longya Village

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    In the lair near Ling'an Town, a few spirit warriors are carefully lurking around the worm's lair.

    "How's it going?"

    "Nothing was found."

    "It seems that the person who smashed the nest continuously realized that something was wrong, and I'm afraid he hid. Humph, these two people are alert.

    " It's really daring."

    "Who knows, it seems to be a soul pet master who contracted with a fox, and another soul pet master who contracted with a bee. It doesn't seem to be a soul master, and I don't know how they knew about the nest we laid. "Speaking of the soul pet master, he vaguely doubted whether there was a traitor on his side, otherwise the lair was secret and should not be revealed one after another.

    "Just two spirit warriors? I didn't expect two spirit warriors to make us so passive."

    "Everything in the lair has been taken away, but these two guys will pick it up."

    In order to ensure the success of the little insect king Birth, there are some good things left in each lair. The soul pet master in charge of this matter also coveted these things, but he didn’t dare to move them. .

    "Fox soul pet master? Why are there so many foxes recently!"

    "Yeah! There are four worm nests that have been destroyed in our area, and the Mu family's side has been destroyed, and there is another one with a red color by Mu Lingtian. The body odor girl also destroyed three." The

    group of them had a total of one hundred insect nests, and the loss of seven was not too much, but it was not too small.

    If there is one less insect king, there will be less hope of the advanced king level. If in the end, the master of the advanced king level fails, then these people will not have a good life.

    "Okay, the big thing is imminent, and I have to be more careful recently. If those two guys reappear, they must be called back and forth."


    The locust nests have been destroyed continuously, and there are already opinions on them. If they can't be caught When it comes to the initiators, they will all be punished.


    Lin Chuwen stood above the restaurant and looked downstairs. Some villagers downstairs were lining up to sell spiritual food.

    "There are a lot of people selling food!"

    Lin Chuwen narrowed his eyes and said, "Because the price of food is relatively high."

    The current price of food is 20% higher than usual, and many villagers don't want to miss it this opportunity.

    Chu Ye shook his head and said: "What is this! After the locust plague, the price of food will double or triple." Lin Chuwen shook his head, and said a little dejectedly: "We know     it

    's useless!"

Some people with foresight have begun to spread the news that there is a locust plague coming, but some local high-level officials feel that these people are creating panic and sent people out to refute the rumors, a group of pigs!

    Chu Ye took a deep breath and said, "Why do I think this is not just about a soul pet master who has contracted with the Locust King!"

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "From the locust king's eggs. From the quality point of view, the female insect king should only be a warrior class, a warrior class should not be able to lay such a big net, maybe there is someone behind him to help."

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