chapter 36 The Village chief ask for help.

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    inside the room.

    The little fox licked his claws a little bored. Because there are not many fierce beasts in the mountains, he often hunts for a day and can't find a suitable prey. The little fox has recently reduced the number of going out and has become lazy.

    "Little fox hasn't been out recently!" Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Two days ago, when I went out hunting, I injured my leg and swelled a huge bag. I have been recovering from the injury these days."

    "Is it serious?"

    Lin Chuwen shook his head. , said: "Fortunately, how can the soul pet grow up without injury." He has used the medicine for Xue Bao, and it will take a long time to recover.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "It's fine if it's not serious." The

    two of them stayed in the room alone, and there was a knock on the door.

    Chu Ye opened the door and saw the village chief.

    "Village Chief, is there something wrong?" The

    village chief nodded and said a little embarrassedly: "I really have something to ask you."

    "The village chief, come in and talk." The

    village chief followed Chu Ye into the house, Chu Ye was a little curious He asked, "What's the matter with the village chief?"

    "It's the wolves that appeared in Mei Village. I'm afraid it will turn into a wolf disaster like a few years ago." The village chief asked worriedly.

    Chu Ye frowned. This is a world full of perils, and vicious beasts slaughter villages and destroy villages from time to time.

    The disaster mentioned by the village chief happened about ten years ago. A pack of wolves raided Mei Village and killed most of the villagers in Mei Village. Several surrounding villages were also affected. In front of the beasts, the strength of ordinary people is negligible.

    "Plum Village reported to the state government, and the state government issued a reward. The warriors who went to strangle the wolves, as long as they kill a wolf and cut off a left ear as a certificate, they can receive a reward of gold coins. The wolf beast belongs to the hunter."

    Chu Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "One ear and one gold coin, no one picks up, right?"

    The village chief smiled embarrassedly, said "um", and said a little embarrassedly: "Probably the news from the prefecture has not spread yet."

    Chu Ye thought to himself: Where is the news not spread! I'm only afraid that the strong will not look down on this little money, and the weak will be afraid of the power of the wolves. You must know that wolves are very vengeful. If they are targeted at that time, it is easy to die endlessly.

    "Young Shao Ke is interested. There is a large area of ​​plum forests in Plum Village. At this time, many plum blossoms are blooming. If Shao Ye brings the bee colony there, you can just pick some honey."

    Hearing that there was a large area of ​​plum forests in the plum village, Chu Ye was immediately moved. Before the winter, Chu Ye took the bee colony around to collect honey. However, there were not enough flowers around, and the storage of nectar was still lacking.

    Chu Ye asked curiously, "Do you know the rank of the head wolf?" The

    village chief rubbed his hands and said, "It's probably the fifth rank." The

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