Chapter 87 The old man who can't escape.

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    "Chu Ye." A suspicious voice came over.

    Chu Ye looked at the few people at the door, and secretly shouted "Oops."

    Bai Momo looked at Chu Ye and said in surprise, "Chu Ye, you are here too!"

    Chu Ye nodded. , said: "Yes, it's a coincidence."

    Bai Momo turned his eyes to Yin Xiaoer on Chu Ye's shoulder, "Chu Ye, is this your contract beast?"

    "That's right."

    Bai Momo waited The person was only at the third or fourth rank of scholar, and his strength was too low to see through Chu Ye's rank. Naturally, he didn't know that Chu Ye was already a soul master.

    Xiaoyin was lying on Chu Ye's shoulder, staring at the girls with droopy eyes.

    Chu Xiner said somewhat arrogantly, "Chu Ye, are you here to buy fragrance powder?"

    Chu Xiner's tone was not very good. Seeing Chu Ye appearing in the fragrance powder shop, she felt that the other party was really absurd. Not only did she start to like men Now, he actually likes fragrant powder, and it's not disgusting for a big man to apply fat and powder.

    Lin Chuwen glanced at Chu Xiner and frowned subconsciously.

    Chu Xiner's tone was somewhat arrogant, and the question seemed to be somewhat sarcastic, which made Lin Chuwen a little unhappy.

    Chu Ye pouted and said indifferently, "Yes!"

    When Chu Ye first came into the incense powder shop, he was a little embarrassed, but now that he thought about it, he felt that buying incense powder was nothing.

    Chen Xue asked with some doubts: "Chu Ye, did you buy your fragrance powder for someone else?"

    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "I use it myself." If it is used by the bee colony, it is also used by myself. .

    Chu Ye was a little embarrassed to enter this incense powder shop, but he suddenly calmed down for some reason.

    Bai Momo said with a smile: "Chu Ye, I didn't expect that you actually like fragrance powder! Which one do you like! Many fragrance powders in this store are good, do you want me to recommend it to you!"

    Chu Ye: "No need..."

    "Guest, all the pollen you asked for is ready, a total of 256,700 gold coins, the boss helped to wipe off a fraction, a total of 250,000 gold coins." The saleswoman was enthusiastic the way.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Okay."

    "250,000 gold coins?" Bai Momo couldn't help taking a breath.

    Before Bai Momo thought it was a little strange for Chu Ye to appear in the fragrance shop, but this time there was nothing but shock.

    The pocket money of a few eldest ladies in a month on weekdays is only about a hundred gold coins, and 250,000 gold coins, which is undoubtedly an astronomical sum for a few people.

    Chu Ye took out the gold card, swiped it, and put dozens of packets of pollen into the storage bag.

    Chu Xiner looked at Chu Ye spent more than 200,000 yuan with a calm expression, and thought that she had bargained with the small vendors in the stall for a few gold coins before, and felt panic on her face.

    Although Chu Ye already had several storage rings on his body, he still used a storage bag on weekdays.

    Bai Momo watched Chu Ye put away the pollen, and secretly said: Chu Ye is really developed! They have all used storage bags. The cheapest storage bag costs several thousand gold coins. This storage bag contains so many pollen-filled shrimps. The space must be not small, I am afraid it will cost tens of thousands.

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