Chapter 118 Soul Pet Relationship

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    Inside the cave.

    Xiaoyin flew around Chu Ye, muttering something non-stop in his mouth, and his voice sounded quite resentful.

    Lin Chuwen came over and asked curiously, "What is Xiaoyin doing?"


    Lin Chuwen asked strangely, "Can Xiaoyin still sing?"

    Chu Ye nodded and said: "Yes!" He also just knew that Xiaoyin can sing, and he sang in cadence. However, if he hadn't been connected with Xiaoyin, it would have sounded buzzing, buzzing...

    Lin Chuwen He asked curiously, "What did Xiaoyin sing?"

    "I saw the new pet laugh, but the old pet cried."

    "Lang Ah Lang, you are a heartless man, you will be a soul pet in the next life, and I will be a soul master."

    "Since ancient times . Soul masters are all fortunate, one soul pet comes and one goes."

    Lin Chuwen: "..."

    Chu Ye rubbed his forehead, Mo Tuanzi is quite special, during this time, he really put a lot of thought on Mo Tuanzi On the body, Xiao Yin was ignored.

    Lin Chuwen looked at Xiaoyin, Xiaoyin was embarrassed by Lin Chuwen's look, and slammed into Chu Ye's head like a weight.

    Chu Ye was a little bit hurt by Xiaoyin's smashing, and said to himself: Xiaoyin is getting heavier and heavier. It's still like this. If the food is good, then it's worth it. "Shan, Yu. 氵, タ"

    Chu Ye lifted Xiaoyin from his head, looked at the other party, and said earnestly: "Xiaoyin, you are the boss! Among all my soul pets, you belong to me. You are the most powerful, and I am also the most optimistic about you, but you have grown up and can stand on your own

    . After thinking for a while, he nodded, agreeing with Chu Ye's words.

    Compared to that Mao Tuanzi and that Mo Tuanzi, he was the most reliable and the most profitable. He shouldn't be jealous of two idiots who were not yet warriors.

    Xiaoyin was successfully brainwashed, and he was full of pride and flew the bee colony to the wild to collect honey.

    Chu Ye saw that Xiaoyin took the bee colony out to work, and thought a little proudly, raising soul beasts still requires some skills, and mediating the conflicts before soul pets also requires means!

    Lin Chu said strangely: "How can Xiaoyin sing those plays?"

    Chu Ye tilted his head and said, "I'm surprised too!" There are many restaurants in Liangjie City that arrange for the performances, but Xiaoyin doesn't seem to have any. How have you been there! On weekdays, in addition to staying in the cave, Xiaoyin goes to the wild to release bees, and no one should sing in the wild.

    Lin Chuwen suddenly thought of something, and Fuzhi said in his heart: "Perhaps... the rumor tree."

    Chu Ye asked with some doubts: "Does the rumor tree have the function of singing?"

    Lin Chuwen nodded. Dao: "There should be, but it costs money to listen to a play, and most people won't use this function." Rumor has it that there are many additional functions, many of which are very tasteless, and most people will not use it.

    There are also many people, like Chu Ye, who have raised the Rumor Tree, but they don't know what additional functions the Rumor Tree has.

    Chu Ye rolled his eyes and said, "A sin!" He said why the points in the message card were used up so quickly? That's what happened.

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