Chapter 160 The Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts

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    It took a few days to deal with the affairs in the cave, and Lin Chuwen had time to carefully study the inheritance of the newly acquired medicine.

    "How? Did you find a way to increase the silver-winged bee's entry into the generals?" Chu Ye asked casually.

    Lin Chuwen hesitated for a moment, and said, "There is a potion that may be useful, but this potion has drawbacks."     Chu

    Ye asked curiously, "What potion?"

The difficulty of the tier is reduced by one-third. However, using this potion to advance will affect the future potential of the soul pet to a certain extent. After the advance, the combat power is also one-third weaker than that of the same kind of soul pet. Silver Wings After the bee uses this potion, I am afraid that there is no possibility of advancing to the king level."

    Chu Ye touched his chin and said, "It can be used." The

    warrior silver-winged bee is several times more powerful than the ninth-order silver-winged bee, even in battle The strength is one-third weaker, which is not comparable to the ninth-order silver-winged bee.

    Ordinary silver-winged bees are limited by blood, and there is no possibility of advancing to the king level.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "I also think it should be able to be used." The advantages and disadvantages of breaking-order potions are obvious.

    If it was the main soul pet, Lin Chuwen would not agree with Chu Ye's use of this method of quick success.

    However, what Chu Ye wanted to cultivate was only the attached soul pet. The aptitude of ordinary silver-winged bees was too poor, and there were very few general silver-winged bees that could be cultivated without using extraordinary means and expending a lot of suffocating energy.

    When the warlord silver-winged bee reaches a certain number, the combat power of a single one is inferior, and when fighting, the advantage is also great.

    "Your potion inheritance should be extraordinary!" He had never heard of this kind of broken potion. If this potion appeared on the market, it would be very popular.

    For many people, the difference between soul masters and soul masters is too great, and weaker soul masters are also soul masters.

    Weakening a few points of combat power can increase the success rate by 30%, which is enough to make many people rush.

    There are very few people who can become ninth-rank spirit masters at a young age. Many people become ninth-rank spirit masters when they are in their fifties or sixties. When they are over fifty, their qi and blood decline, and the chance of becoming a spirit master is greatly reduced. People are only middle-aged and successful in their careers. If Lin Chuwen launched a broken-order potion, these people should be happy to buy it.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "I also think that the inheritance of the medicine I got this time seems to involve the inheritance of the ground-level medicine."

    Chu Ye blinked and said, "Is it so powerful?"

    Chu Ye secretly said, "Book The scumbag Zhongmu Lingtian made a lot of money! This bastard, Lin Chuwen helped him so much in the book, but the other party allowed Lin Chuwen to be killed, which is really not a thing.

    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye's gritted teeth and was a little puzzled, "What's wrong with you?"

    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "It's alright, I'm just excited, let's make a few copies of that broken potion first, this potion is complicated. Is it?"

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