Chapter 64 Rejection of Invitation

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    The shopkeeper was busy chatting with Lin Chuwen, leaving Mu Lingtian and the others in the cold. Lin Mengrong was used to being the focus all the time, and was slightly unaccustomed to it.

    Seeing that the shopkeeper's enthusiasm was close to Lin Chuwen's, Mu Lingtian had the feeling of making wedding dresses for others.

    "Lin Shao, my Mu family is recruiting a pharmacist, and the treatment is favorable, is Lin Shao interested?"

    Chu Ye heard the words, and his heart tightened. In the book, Lin Chuwen is the pharmacist of the Mu family! Are you going to start the drama again?

    Chu Ye was secretly worried. Before, he tried his best to avoid it, but he still couldn't avoid the plot of drugging the heroine. The plot of Lin Chuwen being a pharmacist for the Murong family would not be so difficult.

    Lin Chuwen shook his head and declined: "I am not qualified to be a pharmacist in the Mu family with my level of pharmacy. Besides, I want to walk around and have a look. I don't want to be in a corner. I'm afraid I will live up to Mu Shao's love."

    Mu Lingtian smiled and said confidently: "Meng Chengtian, the master of pharmacy, and my father are good friends. If Lin Shao agrees, the Mu family can recommend you to be his apprentice."

    Lin Chuwen was taken aback when he heard this. Unexpectedly, Mu Lingtian would be willing to offer such conditions.

    Lin Mengrong heard the words, her eyes fluctuated for a while, and there was a strong look of surprise in her eyes.

    In the process of learning pharmacy, having an excellent leader will undoubtedly go a lot better. The fact that Lin Chuwen's potion level can improve so quickly has a lot to do with the fact that he has been around Lin Qiu since he was a child. I have to say that the other party's proposal is very tempting to the pharmacist.

    Lin Chuwen felt his heart beating inexplicably, and a voice in his subconscious shouted, asking him to promise Mu Lingtian.

    Lin Chuwen felt his temples throbbing suddenly, and his soul sea was full of pain. In the confusion, Lin Chuwen felt his hand being squeezed hard, and the whole person suddenly woke up.

    Lin Chuwen raised his head, glanced at the worried Chu Ye, and smiled at him.

    Looking at Lin Chuwen's expression, Chu Ye frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

    "Are you okay?" Chu Ye asked.

    Although Mu Lingtian has no life-saving grace for Lin Chuwen now, Chu Ye is still a little worried that Lin Chuwen will be affected by the plot.

    Lin Chuwen shook his head, "It's fine."

    Mu Lingtian looked at Lin Chuwen and persuaded him, "Lin Shao, it's not very common to give a master pharmacist an apprenticeship."

    "Sorry, I don't want to spend all day . Being in the company of the potion, I want to walk around and have a look." Lin Chuwen calmed down and calmly rejected Mu Lingtian.

    Lin Chuwen felt cold sweat pouring out all over his body, as if he had been stunned by something before.

    Mu Lingtian frowned, Lin Chuwen's refusal made him very uncomfortable.

    Mu Lingtian didn't expect to move out of Meng Chengtian, but he couldn't move Lin Chuwen.

    "Lin Shao doesn't have to rush to answer me, if you want to, just come to Mu's house to find me." Mu Lingtian said gracefully.

    Lin Chuwen nodded, "Okay."

    Lin Chuwen glanced at Lin Mengrong, feeling a little bored, but had to agree with Mu Lingtian.

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