Chapter 76 Chu Yanyu

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    on the carriage.

    Lin Chuwen was fond of playing with a few jade slips. It had been a few days since he got the jade slips, but Lin Chuwen still hugged the jade slips and refused to let go.

    With these jade slips, as long as he collects three medicinal materials for the intermediate bloodline awakening potion, he will be sure to refine the intermediate bloodline potion.

    Once the little fox and Xuebao have a mid-level bloodline awakening, they should be able to increase the chance of entering the warlord by 10%.

    In this way, Xuebao and Xiaoyin would be more secure if they tried to form a demon.

    You must know that there are many amazing souls in history who failed in the process of gathering qi into evil spirits.

    The most famous of them was Hongyue, a genius cultivator of the Ziluo Sect. At that time, Hongyue was contracted to be a top-grade soul beast, Raging Flame Tianlin. The Ziluo Sect prepared the high-grade evil spirit Ziyansha for him, and arranged for him to go to the best spiritual veins in the sect to practice. As a result, Hongyue was still seriously injured by the backlash during the process of gathering Qi into evil spirits. hurt.

    You must know that the outside world speculated that the probability of Hongyue's success in the advanced stage was 99%. As a result, this person was so unlucky and ran into this 1%.

    "What are you thinking?" Chu Ye asked, looking at Lin Chuwen, who was wandering in the sky.

    Lin Chuwen glanced at Chu Ye and told about Hongyue.

    Chu Ye's eyes widened, and he said with some horror: "There is a one percent chance of failure, this person still fails, this person is really unlucky!"

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said: "Indeed, you also want to Be careful."

    Chu Ye laughed dryly, and said, "I shouldn't be as unlucky as him."

    Lin Chuwen shrugged and said, "Be careful sailing the ship for ten thousand years."

    Chu Ye nodded. Said: "It makes sense." Once the evil formation fails, both the spirit master and the soul master will suffer greatly. If they want to make a comeback, they will have to wait at least a few more years. Before the evil formation, various preparations must be done. !


    Chu Ye and the two went west all the way and came to Sanyang City again.

    It has been more than a year since the last time the two came to Sanyang City.

    There was no locust plague this year, the year was good, and Sanyang City was a bit more lively than before.

    Time has changed, and the people who blocked Lin Wenchu ​​in Sanyang City before have long since dispersed.

    Lin Chuwen was a little emotional when he revisited the old place. The last time he came, he was only at the seventh rank, and now he is at the ninth rank.

    Lin Chuwen found a few pharmacies, sold some of the more common pharmacies on his body, and returned 20,000 gold coins.

    After getting the gold coins, Lin Chuwen went to several drug stores to buy some medicinal materials. The dispensing of the intermediate blood medicine is very expensive, and a piece of red blood marrow cost Lin Chuwen five thousand gold coins.

    "With the red blood marrow, it is not difficult to buy the auxiliary medicine. The main medicine also needs Zixinglan, Jinyuye, and Moguo. If you spend more gold coins on Zixinglan and Jinyuye, you can still get it, which is Moguo. It 's not easy."

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