Chapter 120 All the little one.

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    Xiaoyin adopts the bee sea tactics. Once he sees a prey, he will lead dozens of eighth-order and ninth-order silver-winged bees to kill them violently, crushing them with a numerical advantage.

    With the huge army of bees, Xiaoyin can be said to be invincible when encountering gods and killing gods, and when encountering Buddhas and Buddhas.

    Some of the spirit beasts in the beast horde seemed to realize the power of the bee colony. Some beasts were targeted by the bee colony, ignoring the orders of the high-level beasts and running away.

    Seeing that the prey ran away, Xiaoyin led the swarm to chase, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

    With the help of the illusion of colorful phantom butterflies, the little fox displays fox charm, which is amazing.

    As soon as the Fox Confusion skill was activated, the attacked soul beast was instantly fascinated, and then died silently under the sharp claws of the little fox.

    The bloodline of the little fox has improved a lot in recent years, and the characteristics of the nine-tailed demon fox have gradually been revealed.

    The beast wave that invaded this time was led by five warrior-level beasts. After a chaotic battle, several warrior-level soul beasts chose their opponents.

    The Hu family shared two, Xuebao and Xiaoyin each shared one, and the remaining one was left to the Qian family's spirit-seeking mouse.

    The little fox's opponent is an iron-patterned lion with the fifth-rank general level. Among the invading warlords, the iron-patterned lion has the highest level.

    The soul pets of the three families belonged to Hu Mingyue's blue devil spider, the highest, with the fourth rank of warriors.

    Hu Mingyue was a little embarrassed about the little fox taking the iron lion.

    In front of the huge iron-patterned lion, the little fox looked a little like a little bit, and felt vulnerable.

    The battle was fierce, and Hu Mingyue didn't care about Lin Chuwen's situation, and devoted himself to the battle.

    The little fox faced the iron-patterned lion, wagging its tail and using the fox trick.

    Hu Qian frowned when he saw the little fox's fox trick skill, and secretly said: the fox trick skill of fox spirit beasts generally only works compared to their own lower level or the same level spirit beasts, and has no effect on high-level spirit beasts. Yes, the level of the iron-patterned lion is much higher than that of the little fox. I'm afraid it won't work. The little fox is afraid that it will be worse.

    Contrary to Hu Qian's expectations, as soon as the little fox's fox skills were deployed, the iron striped lion on the opposite side fell into a state of confusion. Hu Qian's eyes widened, and he felt inconceivable.

    Lin Chuwen looked at the iron-patterned lion's reaction, slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, and felt somewhat satisfied.

    Legend has it that the magic of the nine-tailed fox is astonishing.

    Xuebao ate so much nine-tailed fox grass, and his bloodline has been improving.

    The little fox looked at the iron lion in confusion, scratched it with one paw, and left three wounds on the iron lion's body with its sharp claws.

    The iron-patterned lion was in pain, and woke up from the lost state. His eyes were instantly full of killing intent, and he roared wildly at the little fox.

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