chapter 29 planning to go out.

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    Time flies, and soon it has been a month since Xiaoyin and Xuebao advanced to the fourth level.

    During this month, both Xiaoyin and Xuebao were hunting.

    After a month of fighting, although the level of one fox and one bee has not improved, their strength has stabilized a lot.

    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen hid in the room and counted the soul crystals. The soul crystals that Xiaoyin and Xuebao needed had already been left. Even so, there were still quite a few left.

    "A total of eight fourth-order crystal nuclei, twenty-two third-order crystal nuclei, fifty second-rank crystal nuclei, and 200 first-order crystal nuclei. If you sell these soul crystals, you should be able to sell for about a thousand gold coins. ." During this time, the flower source in the mountains continued to decrease, and not much honey was collected.

    However, relying on fighting to earn gold coins seems to be faster. This month, he received a lot of beast corpses, ate half of them, and sold the other half for about 300 gold coins.

    Because of medicines, meals, and crystal cores, this month is all self-sufficient.

    Chu Ye's savings this month has gone up a lot, and it is five hundred gold coins.

    After selling the soul crystal, even if Lin Chuwen is divided in half, his net worth will rise to one thousand.

    Chu Ye tilted his head and said, "So many gold coins, what should I buy?" For the time being, there seemed to be nothing to buy.

    Lin Chuwen hesitated for a moment, then said: "Or buy a space bag."

    Chu Ye was stunned for a moment, and said, "Is it a space bag?"

    Chu Ye held his chin, the space bag is a high-end luxury in this world, and the price is not high. Low.

    The price of a space bag of about one cubic meter is about 600 to 1,000, which can be said to be very unaffordable. However, it seems that he needs to equip one. With a space bag, the space for the jade pendant can be hidden. It is also troublesome to drag such heavy prey down from the mountain every time.

    In Chu Ye's memory, the original owner had a space bag, which was left to him by the original owner's parents.

    The original owner spent a lot of money. After his parents passed away, he took the space bag as a pawn. Half of the money in the space bag went into Hualou.

    The original owner began to enter the flower building when he was ten years old. The original owner was not very old. Every time he went in, he would look at it and do nothing. Chu Ye felt that the original owner was a club.


    Lin Chuwen looked towards the door and said, "Xuebao is back."

    Xuehu dragged a vine into the house and spat the vine onto the ground.

    The "thorn demon" Lin Chuwen could see at a glance, the vines were transformed by the thorn demon after death, and the thorn demon's body could be used as medicine, and it was worth two or three gold coins.

    Chu Ye looked at the thorn demon's body and said, "Is this a second-tier thorn demon?"

    Chu Ye thought to himself: Recently, Xuebao and Xiaoyin seem to have hunted fewer beasts. Silver is very inflated, and the non-fifth-order beasts are not hunted, and now the first- and second-order ones are not spared.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Yes."

    "Is this the only one?" Lin Chuwen asked Xuehu.

    Xuehu nodded somewhat lonely, and said that there were fewer beasts and no suitable prey could be found.

    Lin Chuwen shook his head and said, "Xuebao said that the number of beasts in Longya Mountain has decreased a lot, and some of the beasts will run away as soon as they see him." Chu     Ye

    : "..."

With a unique way of communication, Xuebao and Xiaoyin have been raging in the mountains for a month, seeming to frighten all the beasts in the mountains!

    "In this way, this hunt for soul crystals, I'm afraid it won't be long." Chu Ye held his chin, a little worried.

    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye, tilted his head, and said, "Don't worry, even if the hunting can't go on, I can still feed Xuebao and Xiaoyin with the medicine."

    After the successful preparation of the bloodline awakening potion, Lin Chuwen's heart was inexplicably more enlightened. Some potions that were originally stuttering are now very easy to configure. This month, Lin Chuwen has also configured it. Less potion, because there is no shortage of gold coins, he has not had time to sell all the potions.

    Chu Ye held his chin, looked at Lin Chuwen, and thought to himself: This is like eating soft rice! It doesn't seem very good.

    Chu Ye looked at Lin Chuwen and said, "The caravan that Xia Shan is attached to is going to Black Cloud City. I heard that there is an auction over there. Why don't we go and have a look?

    " The nearest big city in Longya Village is said to be very prosperous. In fact, Wuling City, where the Chu family is located, is also very prosperous. However, when Chu Ye crossed over, he was too embarrassed to go out and hang out. Because of his wealth, Chu Ye wanted to go out and have a look, so that he could gain a better understanding.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Alright."

    After grandfather disappeared, Lin Chuwen had been exhausted all the time, and he would relax, and he also wanted to go out to relax.

    Zhuxi Town next to Longya Village is still a little smaller, and there are many things missing. Lin Chuwen wants to sell the remaining bloodline awakening potion and exchange for some cultivation resources. The soul pet master here in Zhuxi Town is not. There are many, most of them are shy, and the medicines are sold in Zhuxi Town, I am afraid they will not be able to sell the price.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Then let me contact Xia Shan."

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