Chapter 174 Locust Killing Potion

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    After the battle was over, Chu Ye and the two returned to the cave to rest, sorting out the blood and crystal cores of the beasts.

    Chu Ye has done a lot in the beast swarm, and he has received a lot of prey. There are too many prey, and some are too late to deal with. I have to say that this is a sad thing.

    "Eat! Eat!" Chu Ye urged Xiaobai.

    Xiaobai squinted at Chu Ye and ignored Chu Ye.

    Chu Ye sighed helplessly. On weekdays, he always disliked Xiaobai's eating a lot, but Xiaobai tried his best to eat it. There would be so much beast meat, but Xiaobai was too lazy to eat it.

    In fact, because of the beast tide these days, Xiaobai's consumption is a bit large, and the prey he eats is two or three times as much as usual, but compared to the huge harvest, the ones Xiaobai eats are a little insignificant.

    When Lin Chuwen came out, he saw Xiaobai and Chu Ye staring at each other.

    Lin Chuwen glanced at Chu Ye, smiled helplessly, and said, "Eating in moderation is good, but eating too much is not good."

    Chu Ye said innocently, "I'm not afraid of waste?"

    Lin Chu Wen shrugged and said, "Just leave it to the monster merchants in the city."

    Liangjie City is now facing a huge crisis, but the crisis is also a business opportunity. The city will be flooded with corpses of ferocious beasts, and the purchase price is relatively low. If you sell it to other cities, you can earn a lot of gold coins.

    Of course, the risks of this business are very huge, and those who dare to do this business in Liangjie City usually have a background behind them.

    In fact, many forces are very curious about the result of the conflict between the two world city and the ancestors of the five poisons.

    Both Qingyunzong and Qixiazong secretly sent Anzi to check the situation.

    "The beast tide is over for the time being, but the plague of insects has only just begun." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "I'm afraid it is."

    ... In

    the secret room.

    Lin Chuwen took out several locust king corpses. Among the locust swarms that attacked Linghou Village before, there were a total of eight warrior-level locust kings.

    Lin Chuwen asked the little fox to collect all the corpses, eight in total, all here.

    Two of the eight locust corpses originally belonged to Linghou Village. People in Linghou Village knew that Lin Chuwen wanted locust corpses, so they gave the locust corpses to Lin Chuwen.

    Chu Ye asked with some doubts: "Why did you take out all the corpses of the locust king?"

    Lin Chuwen glanced at Chu Ye and said, "I just have an idea, I don't know if it is feasible."

    Chu Ye said curiously. "What do you think?"

    Lin Chuwen glanced at Chu Ye and said, "In the inheritance of the medicine I got before, there is a locust killing medicine. After this medicine is cast within a certain range, the locusts will kill each other. ."

    Chu Ye opened his eyes wide, and said with some surprise: "There is such a magical potion, I haven't heard of it before!"

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said: "This potion needs to be refined with the body of a high-level locust. There are also requirements for locust corpses. To provoke soldier-level locusts to kill each other, you need the corpses of warlord locusts, and to incite war locusts to kill each other, you need Wang Jie's corpse."

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