Chapter 145 The Shaking Chu Family

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    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen took stock of their net worth and found that they had 1.5 million gold coins left.

    Chu Ye blinked and said, "Oh, oh, how come there is only so much left."

    1.5 million looked like a lot, but it was actually enough to buy a piece of evil spirits.

    Chu Ye rubbed his forehead. He still planned to become a multi-millionaire in a few years, but now there are only 1.5 million gold coins left, which seems to be a little short.

    Lin Chuwen glanced at Chu Ye and said helplessly: "Although we make a lot of money, our daily expenses are also a lot!"

    In order to improve the strength of the bee colony, Chu Ye bought souls for the bee colony. Jing, such a large number of soul crystals cost a lot. This time, the two worlds exchange market, and it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to go out. If he didn't risk selling a batch of potions before, the two people's small vaults should have almost everything. No more.

    "However, fortunately, there is nothing special to buy for the time being." Lin Chuwen said.

    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "There are still some."

    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye and asked curiously, "What?"

    Chu Ye glanced at Lin Chuwen and said, "I want to buy animal bones! Tuanzi is also going to be advanced, and he has to provide him with a suffocating qi. In addition, I want to upgrade Yin Xiaoer to the warrior rank, and I also need a suffocating qi. If possible, I would like to select five or six silvers in the bee colony. The winged wasp has been promoted to the general rank."

    The price of animal bones is not too expensive, the problem is that the amount he wants is too large.

    Lin Chuwen's eyes widened, and he said in shock, " are you talking about, five or six silver-winged bees?"

    Chu Ye looked at Lin Chuwen, smiled brilliantly, and said, "Yes Ah! What's wrong?"

    Lin Chuwen shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

    After Lin Chuwen was shocked, he quickly calmed down, "This idea of ​​yours is very powerful."

    Chu Ye raised his head and said in high spirits : "People should have dreams. What's the difference between having no dreams and salted fish."

    Lin Chuwen: "..."

    When Lin Chuwen heard Chu Ye's thoughts at first, he thought it was a little incredible, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was not impossible.

    To cultivate a few warrior-level silver-winged bees, for other soul masters, it is simply a fantasy.

    The evil spirit is not so easy to get, even the strong soul king can get the evil spirit is limited.

    However, since Chu Ye has a way to create evil spirits, then this is possible.

    Xiaoyin's strength will grow with the growth of the bee colony. If Chu Ye really cultivates a few silver-winged bees of the warrior level, then Xiaoyin may be able to break through the fifth-order warrior.

    In Lin Chuwen's eyes, a stream of light flashed. If Chu Ye really did it, then the combat power should be able to fly in leaps and bounds.

    "It's an amazing idea." Lin Chuwen secretly said: There are good people in Liangjie City, and Chu Ye was named the first person in the two prefectures. This statement is a bit exaggerated. However, if Chu Ye's idea is successful, it is Truly the first person to keep beekeepers in the two states.

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