Chapter 124 Si Nanyue's Proposal

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    After stealing for half a day, and after dealing with the matters at hand, Chu Ye was finally free.

    Chu Ye set up a grill in the cave to cook barbecue for Xiaobai.

    A warrior-level Blast Rabbit weighs more than 2,000 kilograms, enough for Xiaobai to eat for a month. Chu Ye felt relieved at the thought of not having to prepare food for Xiaobai for half a month.

    Xiaobai held a rabbit leg that was several times taller than others, and ate it in big mouthfuls. The rabbit leg of several hundred kilograms quickly shrunk under Xiaobai's mouth.

    Chu Ye watched Xiaobai eat, and always felt that Xiaobai's meal had a kind of arrogance and dryness.

    The meat of a warrior-level beast is rich in energy, and Xiaobai is very satisfied with it.

    Chu Ye took a bite of rabbit meat and found that the taste of rabbit meat was really good. It was worthwhile for Xiaobai to work hard during the previous beast swarm.

    Chu Ye was roasting meat here, and the little fox ran over.

    Chu Ye looked at the little fox and found that the other party seemed to be in a good mood, as if there was still a little gloating.

    Chu Ye looked at Xue Bao, and some doubts flashed in his heart, "Xue Bao, is there anything you are happy about?" The

    little fox nodded with bright eyes, and said, "Yes."

    Chu Ye said curiously: "What's the matter!" The

    little fox looked at Xiao Bai and said, "Xiao Bai, your luck is here, someone has taken a fancy to you and is looking for a female cat to breed with you!"

    Chu Ye didn't understand The little fox's words were just looking at what the little fox said to Xiaobai. Xiaobai suddenly dropped the barbecue in his hand and became furious.

    Chu Ye looked at Xiaobai's reaction, blinked, and said to himself: What's wrong! Has the sky fallen? Xiaobai didn't even eat barbecue.

    Lin Chuwen translated the little fox's words, and Chu Ye was shocked.

    "Mating!" Chu Ye murmured.

    Soul pets of good quality are very rare, and the breeding of soul pets is also a very common thing in this world. The Chu family where the original body is located also tried every means to find a leopard of good quality to breed with a cloud-walking leopard. However, this happened in their own soul pets. It feels so unusual!

    Chu Ye looked at the little white tiger and blinked, thinking a little curiously, it seems that his soul pet hasn't grown all its hair yet! Is it really possible to breed?

    "Is there any news from the rumor tree?" Chu Ye asked.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said "um".

    "Whose idea is it!" Chu Ye asked curiously.

    Lin Chuwen glanced at the little fox, and the little fox wagged his tail innocently.

    Chu Ye pouted, and probably understood that the little fox only looked at the news for a while, but didn't take a closer look.

    Chu Ye stood up helplessly and said to Lin Chuwen, "I'll go take a look, you're here to watch."

    Lin Chuwen nodded.

    Lin Chuwen went to the rumor mill to receive the news, with a strange expression on his face.

    "How is it?" Lin Chuwen asked.

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