Chapter 96 Icefield Picnic

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    Arctic ice sheet.

    Chu Ye fiddled with the compass, looking for the ice scorpion's nest.

    It has been more than a month since they found the Frost Stone. In this month, Chu Ye and the two have found nothing.

    However, during this period of time, there were a lot of silver-winged bees who took the initiative to ask to come out to let out the wind. Some silver-winged bees ran out and were stunned by the cold air. However, they returned to the jade pendant space to eat and drink for a while. , and can quickly be resurrected with blood.

    The recovered silver-winged bees generally have made a lot of progress, and their resistance to severe cold will also be greatly improved.

    There are also some silver-winged bees whose resistance is too poor to survive and freeze to death. However, in general, the proportion of silver-winged bees that freeze to death is very small, and the overall strength of the colony is steadily improving.

    Xiaoyin has completely adapted to the severe cold of the glacier, and the power on his body is getting stronger and stronger.

    "There are things living in groups under the ice near here. It is very likely that they are ice scorpions."

    "You said that last time, but it turned out to be a nest of ice snakes." Lin Chuwen said.

    The compass can only detect whether there are ferocious beasts living under it, but it is not sure what kind of beasts it is. Last time, Chu Ye used the compass to detect a nest of ferocious beasts. It was an ice snake that came out, and was frightened enough.

    Thinking of what happened last time, Chu Ye said a little ashamedly: "This time it shouldn't be wrong..."

    Lin Chuwen smiled and said, "Then dig it.

    " You can't lead the ice scorpion out." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Alright."

    Chu Ye placed a roast chicken near the location indicated by the compass, and lit the animal incense next to the roast chicken.

    There are often caravan activities on the glacier. This beast-inducing incense was bought by Chu Ye and a caravan he met before.

    The scent of the incense stick came out, and soon a group of scorpions were attracted to eat the roast chicken.

    Seeing the ice scorpion being attracted, Chu Ye smiled proudly and said, "I'm not mistaken this time, it's really the ice scorpion."

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Well, yes."

    However, this The ice scorpion I found this time was a bit lower in level, but even so, being able to accurately find the ice scorpion's lair was considered an improvement.

    Seeing that the chicken was eaten by the scorpion, the little fox made a muffled protest.

    Chu Ye looked at the little fox helplessly and reassured: "It's just an ordinary chicken, not a herbal chicken. It's worthless, so why bother." The

    little fox wagged his tail, indicating that an ordinary chicken is also a chicken! All chicken should be it.

    Chu Ye was helpless, "That chicken is now eaten by scorpions. It is very poisonous. I will fry the scorpions for you to eat later.

    " , do not like to eat scorpions, scorpions are black and ugly, they must not taste good.

    Seeing that a group of scorpions had eaten most of a chicken, Chu Ye called Xiao Yin to ask the scorpions for news.

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