Chapter 22 The Caravan

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    Two days later, Xia Shan arrived as scheduled, and Lin Chuwen reluctantly sent Chu Ye to the carriage.

    Xia Shan looked at the two of them reluctantly saying goodbye and was a little puzzled, "What's the matter with you two? Reluctantly, it's like a newly-married couple who can't bear to part." Both

    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen were disturbed by Xia Shan's words. With a big red face, Chu Ye didn't want to delay any longer, and left with Xia Shan.

    Lin Chuwen stared at the door for a while before entering the house.

    Chu Ye followed Xia Shan and joined the caravan.

    Chu Ye saw a caravan that stretched for five or six kilometers. There were dozens of Huoyun horses like Xiashan, and there were also many higher-quality flying dragons, golden wildebeests, and dark clouds treading snow.

    "There are so many people!" Chu Ye said.

    Xia Shan nodded and said proudly, "It's safe to have a lot of people! Our caravan is led by a spirit master. It's not peaceful to get to Yong'an City from here. There are many villains on the road. I don't have the guts to go alone. "

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Spirit Master! That's really powerful."

    Xia Shan smiled and said, "It's not."

    Chu Ye looked at the leader of the caravan, and the leader of the caravan had a look on his face. The beard, next to a flying dragon foal, a downhill tiger, looked in high spirits. Many businessmen, surrounded by the leader, said something, with a look of flattery and compliment.

    Xia Shan looked at Chu Ye and said, "Is our leader very imposing!"

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "Yes! Yes!"

    Xia Shan lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "Our caravan leader , the commission for one trip is 3,000 gold coins, and I heard that there are also 8,000 gold coins in extra money."

    Chu Ye blinked and said, "That's really amazing!" Is the extra money so much higher than the commission?

    Xia Shan nodded and said enviously: "Yes! When will I be able to get into this position, I don't need to earn so much, just a thousand gold coins a month."

    Chu Ye hooked the corner of his mouth, thinking to himself: Sooner or later, he will be better than the caravan leader.

    The caravan did not delay in Zhuxi Town for too long, and set off soon.

    Along the way, most of the time was spent on the road, the itinerary was a bit boring, and Xiaoyin occasionally let the bee colonies come out to let the wind out. There are a lot of wild flowers on the road, although the amount is not very large, but you can get a little honey.

    In the evening, because there is no village in front and no store in the back, everyone can only rest on the side of the road.

    "Young Master Chu."

    Chu Ye looked at Xia Shan with a dignified face, and asked with some doubts: "What's wrong?"

    Xia Shan frowned and said, "Your silver-winged bee is definitely at the third rank." Xia Shan was not sure before. times can be determined.

    Chu Ye: "..."

    "How come there seem to be second-order silver-winged bees in the colony."

    It is not easy for third-order silver-winged bees to control second-order silver-winged bees. Xia Shan saw the second-order silver-winged bees who came back from honey collection Wing wasps, it took a while to confirm the opponent's level.

    Xia Shan originally thought it was strange that his Huoyun horse seemed to be afraid of Xiaoyin. Xia Shan originally thought that his horse was afraid of being stung, but when he thought about it, he thought that maybe Xiaoyin was of a higher grade than his Huoyun horse.

    Although soul pets don't judge heroes based on their size, Xia Shan still feels a little uncomfortable when he finds that his Huoyun horse is not as good as a little bee. .

    Chu Ye let out a sigh of relief and said, "Would you like to eat honey?" Xia Shan's face twisted, and he said     fiercely

    , "Yes!"


    Chu Ye sighed in his heart. Before he came out this time, Xiaoyin went to the mountains to force three second-order and ten first-order silver-winged bees to return with the coercion of the king.

    There is an orthodox queen bee in the mountain, the second-order silver-winged bee, if it stays in Longya Village, the second-order silver-winged bee is easy to defect, but it is different when it is far away from Longya Village.

    Unable to find a way to return, the silver-winged bees that have left the bee colony are difficult to survive, so they can only follow Xiaoyin's path to Hei.

    Chu Ye guessed that Xiaoyin planned to take advantage of this time out to completely subdue this group of silver-winged bees and let these silver-winged bees return.

    The thinking of ordinary silver-winged bees is relatively simple. After a long time, they should forget the king in the mountain.

    The strength of three second-order silver-winged bees and ten first-order silver-winged bees is not small. If Xiaoyin can completely use this power for his own use, the combat power of the bee colony can be doubled.

    Soon Huanhua Valley arrived, Chu Ye stayed in Huanhua Valley, and the caravan moved on.

    After the caravan left, Chu Ye found a safe place and took out the compass for detection.

    After careful detection, Chu Ye found a few safe routes and began to release bees.

    Huanhua Valley is in full bloom, and outside the valley, you can smell the strong fragrance of flowers.

    The bee colony had been hungry for a long time because of the lack of flower sources. When they arrived at such a lush place, they couldn't wait to fly out.

    The inner perimeter of Huanhua Valley is very dangerous, there are very few people, but there are many people outside Huanhua Valley who stay to collect medicine, and there are some young couples watching flowers and kissing in the surrounding area. Chu Ye accidentally saw two inappropriate incidents for children. He was very embarrassed and went deep into the inner circle.

    Although the inner perimeter of Huanhua Valley is dangerous, there are many spiritual medicines, and many people go into the mountains to collect medicines, and there are many temporary residences in the mountains.

    Chu Ye found an abandoned tree hole and temporarily lived in it.

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