Chapter 83 Get Rich.

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    With great excitement, Chu Ye left the Ziluo Zong realm.

    After leaving the Ziluo Sect's realm far away, the two found an inaccessible cave in the wild.

    Just in case, after Chu Ye stopped, he used the compass to detect the surrounding environment and made sure that there was no threat around him, and then he was relieved.

    After settling down, the two can finally check the harvest.

    Before, in the Treasure Pavilion, Chu Ye was in a hurry to get out, afraid of attracting the attention of outsiders, and he didn't dare to carefully check what he got. There would finally be time.

    Chu Ye planned to start with storage bags. There were six storage bags Chu Ye got, and each one was full.

    Chu Ye opened the first storage bag. There were more than a dozen small boxes in the storage bag, containing various materials.

    Chu Ye was cleaning up his inventory, and it was always difficult to calm down his excitement.

    Get rich overnight! Really got rich overnight!

    No wonder so many people risked their lives to go to the Ziluo Sect to make a fortune. His harvest this time was worth the profits of the entire Chu family for several years.

    Lin Chuwen carefully checked several potion furnaces. Among the dozen potion furnaces, one was made of Hanyuan iron. This potion furnace was cold to the touch, and it was used to refine cold-type ones. Medicine, the success rate can be higher. There is also a red flame iron refining in the pill furnace, which is more suitable for refining fire-type potions.

    A potion furnace with obvious properties like this can only refine potions with specific properties.

    Generally, if a pharmacist who is shy in his pocket buys medicine tripods, he will buy medicine tripods with relatively average attributes. Medicine tripods with average attributes do not have much advantage in refining medicines with specific attributes, but they also have advantages. They can refine different types of medicines. , the price of a potion furnace with average properties is relatively cheaper.

    Pharmacists with decent conditions will prepare several more pharmacy furnaces. When refining pharmacies with special attributes, they can choose pharmacy furnaces with specific attributes.

    When Lin Chuwen was a child, he heard a lot of knowledge about the potion furnace from his grandfather. At that time, he had a dream that one day he could have a potion furnace with various properties.

    It took Lin Chuwen two hours to check all the potion furnaces before starting to check other things.

    Lin Chuwen first checked a space ring and quickly found the treasure.

    "Golden Gangsha, evil spirit! It actually exists!" Lin Chuwen said in surprise.

    Chu Ye took the suffocating gas bottle and checked it, "It's so heavy!" Once the suffocating qi was released, it was like fog, but it was heavy inside the bottle.

    Lin Chuwen nodded, "It's true that the weight is not light, I heard that different evil spirits have different characteristics, Frostbita is cold, tentacles become ice, Chiyansha is extremely hot, easy to burn, one of the characteristics of Jingangsha , it is probably heavy."

    Chu Ye said beamingly: "Anyway, good luck, I really found the evil spirit, look for it again to see if there is any."

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Okay.

    " People carefully checked all the storage items, and there were many good things of all kinds, but they never found a second evil spirit.

    "Only one." Chu Ye frowned.

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