Chapter 35 Hunting is not easy

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    Chu Ye held his chin and sat at the table, a little worried.

    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye and asked with some doubts: "What's wrong?" Chu Ye said     worriedly , "I

    've been spending money all this time! I'm running out of money."

Jing spent two hundred. Before, the fifteen hundred gold coins that Lin Chuwen had allocated to him, after buying the colorless jade, there were still some left over. This will be almost the same, and the gold coins are really not enough! Not enough to spend!

    Chu Ye understood why the Chu family would distribute some members of the family who felt useless. The training of soul masters was too expensive. Even a large family could only concentrate resources and train a few people.

    Lin Chuwen tilted his head, thought for a while, and said, "I will sell the medicine, and I will have money."

    Chu Ye smiled dryly, and said, "Don't sell your medicine too often."

    Although the pharmacist has a high status, he also has constraints. Lin Chuwen is so young and his pharmacy level is so high. If people find out, I am afraid that he will be confused, and maybe he will be kept in captivity by some big families. In the night's refining of pharmaceuticals, many pharmacists seem to have high status, but in fact they are not free.

    The matter of the mutant soul stone is very important, and we should be careful and careful.

    Lin Chuwen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I am measured, I only sell some common medicines."

    Chu Ye brought back two barrels of spiritual spring water some time ago. Lin Chuwen knew that Chu Ye had a secret, and he also Did not ask the origin of the spring water.

    Using spiritual spring water to refine some primary medicines, the success rate is over 90%.

    Lin Chuwen has accumulated a lot of medicines recently. Although these medicines are some cheap medicines, they are quite large. If they are all sold, it will be a lot of money.

    "Let's sell them separately. Just to be on the safe side, even if we go to a few more towns." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Okay."

    "Soul-boosting liquid and soul-fixing liquid, don't sell it for the time being." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen smiled bitterly and said, "How much do you think these two potions are left?"

    Lin Chuwen did refine a large amount of soul-fixing liquid and soul-replenishing liquid with colorless jade, but Chu Ye's The appetite was so good that, basically, Chu Ye drank as much as he refined, and one person drank the amount of dozens of similar spirit masters.

    Fortunately, after the soul room split, Chu Ye's appetite became smaller, otherwise, Lin Chuwen didn't know how to continue to provide Chu Ye with medicine.     Chu Ye smiled

    embarrassedly, and said a little embarrassedly: "Is there nothing? I see that you have refined a lot! Did I drink that much?"

I drank quite a lot.

    Chu Ye pursed his lips, and found with some horror that in less than a month, he seemed to have drank more than 2,000 gold coins.

    However, the benefits of this drinking method are obvious, for example, his soul power has been condensed a lot.

    "Anyway, the ingredients don't cost much, just drink it." Lin Chuwen changed the subject and said, "Xuebao advanced to the fifth rank yesterday, and he can go hunting with Xiaoyin.

    " The strength of the Silver Winged Bee Legion has improved a lot, and Xuebao has advanced to the fifth rank. Some areas that were not very accessible before can also try to break through.

    Chu Ye asked in surprise, "Has Xuebao advanced?"

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Yes."

    "It's very fast!" Chu Ye said.

    The heroine's Firefox has the bloodline of Tianhu, and Lin Chuwen's Xuehu seems to have it too. This Tianhu bloodline seems to be a very remarkable bloodline, and it is normal for Xuebao to advance.

    Before, the little fox and Xiaoyin made a lot of money by hunting, but now both Xiaoyin and Xuebao have gone a step further, and hunting should be easier.

    Chu Ye thought well, but when he really started hunting, he found that it was not as good as he thought.

    After the winter, many spirit beasts hid in the deep mountains, Xuebao and Xiaoyin became stronger, but the prey was not so easy to find.

    Fortunately, the hunting harvest was not as big as Chu Ye imagined, but the rations used to pay for Xiaoyin and Xuebao were enough.

    Another half month passed in a flash, the weather became colder and colder, and there were fewer and fewer prey near the village.

    In previous years, at this time, there were always some extremely hungry beasts who went down the mountain for food, and there were frequent incidents of beasts attacking people.

    This year, perhaps because of the aggressive hunting by Little Fox and Little Silver, very few beasts descended the mountain.

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