Chapter 129 Refining the evil spirit

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    The day of the mutual market is approaching, and guests from all over the world are coming, Chu Ye is here! fish! Big meat silkworms have become an extremely sought-after resource, and more and more people come to buy them, so Chu Ye has to limit purchases.

    "The caravan market will begin in two days." Chu Ye said enthusiastically.

    Lin Chuwen nodded, "Liangjie City has been very lively recently."

    Lin Chuwen passed by Piaoxianju a few days ago, and seeing that it was full, Wu Feng warmly invited him to sit and let him refuse. .

    "I don't know if I can buy the evil spirit and spring stone this time." Chu Ye pursed his lips and said.

    "The spring stone is very likely, and the evil spirit may not be easy." Lin Chuwen said.

    Although the spring stone is precious, it is still far inferior to the evil spirits. This time the mutual market is very likely to appear.

    In this mutual market, the probability of evil spirits appearing is also very high, but it may not be useful if they appear. There should be many soul masters in the mutual market, and it is not easy to grab the evil spirits.

    The little tiger waved its claws and cried "meow meow".

    Hearing the cry of the little tiger, Chu Ye widened his eyes in surprise, with a look of disbelief.

    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye's expression and was a little puzzled, "Did Xiaobai say anything?"

    Lin Chuwen rarely saw Chu Ye's surprise like that, so he couldn't help but be full of curiosity.

    "Xiao Bai said that he knows how to build a hundred beasts and evil spirits, so that he doesn't need to buy evil spirits, he can just create it himself." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen was a little surprised and said: "Produce the evil spirit yourself? Is this possible?" The

    evil spirit is mostly cultivated by nature, but Lin Chuwen has heard that some sects have a way to cultivate the evil spirit.

    The same evil pit, under normal circumstances, can produce one evil spirit in five years. With the support of the big sect, it can produce three or even four copies in five years. Many large sects have more evil spirits. Also one of the reasons.

    Many big families are eager to use this method, but unfortunately, this method is the top secret of the sect, and it is not easy to get involved.

    There was once a sect disciple who knew the method of cultivating the sect's suffocation, and secretly passed it back to his family. After the incident was revealed, the sect destroyed that disciple and his family together.

    The little tiger actually understands how to create evil spirits, which is obviously better than the method of cultivating evil spirits.

    Chu Ye's tiger is really not easy!

    Chu Ye looked at the little tiger and said solemnly, "That's what he said."

    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye and said with some confusion, "You only know about such an important thing now?" !

    Chu Ye said innocently: "He just said it now, and I naturally know now."

    Chu Ye suddenly remembered that it seemed to have been written in the book that the heroine needed evil spirits, and the male lead gave the female lead a hundred beasts, not only that , in order to win over his subordinates, the male protagonist also sent a lot of beasts.

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