Chapter 77 help

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    Chu Ye and the two rushed over with the little fox.

    After the little fox advanced to the ninth level, he never found a chance to fight. When he saw the lions, his fighting spirit suddenly rose, and he rushed out with his big tail shaking.

    The little fox looked fluffy and weak, but a pair of claws were tempered and unusually sharp, and a palm of the hand caught an eighth-order wild lion and seriously injured it.

    A mad lion rushed towards Xue Bao angrily when he saw his companion was injured.

    As soon as the little fox kicked his legs, the wild lion was kicked and flew out. The wild lion was huge, but was kicked out dozens of meters away.

    Chu Ye's eyes widened as he watched the little fox show off his power.

    Chu Ye originally thought that the little fox would use a flame attack, but unexpectedly used a kick attack.

    "Xuebao is actually a strange fox, you can't tell!" Chu Ye murmured.

    The little fox who kicked a mad lion had a lot of confidence, and continued to use the "Invincible Whirlwind Leg."

    There were more lions that were kicked away soon after.

    Compared to the mad lion, the little fox's body is small and compact, but when it kicks up the lion, it doesn't look awkward at all.

    I watched a lot of little foxes act like a spoiled child on weekdays, but Chu Ye didn't expect that little fox actually had this side.

    Lin Chuwen said with a strange expression: "I didn't know it had this ability."

    Chu Ye secretly said: After all, it's a top-grade demon fox. It's incomparable to other foxes, and it's normal to be stronger.

    A few lions saw the little fox so vicious, and when they saw the little fox chasing after him, they turned around and ran away.

    Chu Yanyu saw a snow-white fox chasing a lion, and a group of lions being chased around, suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

    Before, her cloud-walking leopard was forced to retreat by the lions, but now the lions were frightened and fled by a fox. It was obvious that the fox was only a scholar-rank, and her rank was the same as hers. Stepping on the clouded leopard is flush.

    At the same rank, a fox's combat power is actually so much higher than her cloud-walking leopard. Is this still a fox?

    The little fox became more and more brave with each other, and the audience was full of joy. Chu Ye looked at the little fox and felt that the other side was beating up a dwarf dog.

    A few mad lions saw that they could not get any advantage by fighting alone, so they quickly united and attacked the little fox.

    The lions united, and the situation of the little fox immediately took a turn for the worse.

    Restricted by the lions, the little fox's leg skills were temporarily unable to perform.

    Xiaoyin led the army to kill, and Xiaoyin led the bee colony and launched a poisonous needle attack on the lions.

    The lions that were attacked by the swarm fled in all directions, and could no longer form a siege on the little fox.

    Little silver and little fox cooperated very well, and in a short while, the lions were slaughtered.

    "Chu Ye?" Chu Yanyu didn't dare to recognize Chu Ye when she saw it.

    "Little aunt, long time no see." Chu Ye smiled.

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