Chapter 175 Pharmacy Materials

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    The people of Qingyun Sect and Qixia Sect did not participate in the war, but both sects buried spies in Liangjiecheng. As soon as the locust killing agent came out, it attracted widespread attention.

    Both cases are very interested in locust killing agents. Although there has been no locust plague in Yunzhou for the time being, it has happened in the end, and no one knows when the locust plague will return.

    If there is a locust killing agent, there is also a killer trick to deal with the locust plague.

    The two were interested in locust killing agents, and they were more interested in the pharmacists who refined them.

    As soon as the locust killer came out, everyone thought of the mysterious pharmacist who appeared at the trade fair that year.

    At that time, many people suspected that he had the inheritance of the Violet Sect's alchemy technique, but now everyone is more certain.

    In the two world cities, many spies are active, and all the spies want to find out the identity of the pharmacist as soon as possible and make great contributions to their forces.


    Chu Yanyu put down the jade slip in her hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

    Wang Ning came over and said, "Junior Sister Yan Yu, you are in a good mood!"

    Chu Yanyu smiled lightly and said, "It's okay."

    "Is your nephew okay?" Wang Ning asked.

    Chu Yanyu said lightly: "Fortunately, I have passed it."

    The large beast tide that occurred in Liangjie City has killed a lot of people. However, such a large beast tide is very good for people, and it can withstand the beast tide. Soul pet master, more or less has a lot of gains.

    Wang Ning smiled and said, "It's good to be safe and sound. I thought the Two Realms City was definitely over this time, but I didn't expect that there would be such a variable as the locust killing agent."

    Chu Yanyu nodded and said, "Yeah. She has seen images of locusts madly killing each other after encountering the locust killing agent .

    The locust killing agent is really an incredible agent. When the locust plague happened in Yunzhou, if there was this agent, the loss would not be so big. .

    "Your nephew is in Two Realms City, is there any news about that pharmacist!" Wang Ning asked.

    Chu Yanyu shook her head and said, "No, the news of Xiao Ye's arrival is just a brief report of safety. The pharmacist must be a hermit master, and Xiao Ye is still too far away from that person." Teachers are very arrogant, Chu Ye should not be able to touch them.

    Wang Ning took a deep breath and said, "The people from the Two Realms City and the Little Poison King seem to be investigating the pharmacist. If the Little Poison King's people find the person first, the pharmacist will be more fortunate."

    Chu Yan Yu pondered for a while and said, "Does the little poison king want to kill that pharmacist?"

    Wang Ning nodded and said, "Of course, many elders in the sect originally judged that the little poison king could advance to the soul king this time. However, judging from the current situation, I am afraid that there is not much chance." Cutting off someone's future, such as killing one's parents, the Little Poison King is not a kind person, how can he not hate this pharmacist!

    However, the little poisonous king cannot advance, which is a good thing for them, such a lunatic, no one knows what the other party will do after the advanced soul king.

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