Chapter 25 The Beautiful Fox

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    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye with a strange expression, "It doesn't seem surprising to you that the potion has been

    refined." This is the primary awakening potion. Grandpa didn't refine it. , will be shocked.

    Chu Ye tilted his head and said calmly: "I didn't say it earlier, I have confidence in you!"

    Lin Chuwen: "..."

    Lin Chuwen put away the potions, "There are three potions in total, Xuebao I have one for each and Xiaoyin, and there is still one left."

    Lin Chuwen said calmly, but his eyes couldn't hide his excitement.

    The potion together is sometimes like a gamble. If you win, your profits will double in an instant. If you lose, you will lose everything and your family will go bankrupt. Fortunately, he won the gamble this time.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "That's good."

    After taking two doses, there is still one left. One bloodline awakening potion costs several thousand gold coins. If you sell it, you will make a lot of money.

    Lin Chuwen smiled and said: "Fortunately, you prepared three potions."

    Chu Ye: "Thank you for persevering."

    Lin Chuwen: "Thanks to the spiritual spring you found."

    Lin Chuwen crooked First, refining the medicine for the third time is also very thrilling. His soul power is not enough to fuse the medicinal liquid at the end. However, the addition of a spiritual spring to the medicinal liquid makes the fusion process much simpler.

    The spiritual spring that can improve the success rate of medicine is really terrifying.

    Chu Ye said before that Lingquan was found in the mountains, and he had also gone to the mountains to find it, but there was no Lingquan at all.

    Lin Chuwen really didn't know where Chu Ye found this thing. If other pharmacists knew that this thing existed in this world, I'm afraid it would be crazy.

    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "Let's not thank you anymore, let Xuebao and Xiaoyin take the medicine

    first." Lin Chuwen nodded, "That's right."

    The sooner the bloodline awakening potion is used, the better. If the age of the spirit beast goes up and the aptitude is finalized, the effect of the bloodline awakening potion will be greatly reduced.

    There is also a reason why Lin Chuwen is so eager to prepare medicines when there is still a lack of medicine.

    Xuebao couldn't wait for a long time, got Lin Chuwen's permission, and happily took the medicine. After taking the medicine, a silver light appeared on Xuehu's body, and the temperature in the room dropped a lot.

    Chu Ye looked around and saw a thin layer of frost condensed on the surrounding walls.

    Lin Chuwen's expression changed, and he said, "It's time to advance."

    Lin Chuwen suddenly remembered that Xuehu had been advancing to the third stage for a while, and now there are signs of progression in his bloodline awakening. Chu Ye Throwing the soul core to Xue Bao.

    "This is..."

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "I forgot to give Xue Bao the gift I brought to him." Lin     Chuwen

    said gratefully, "Thank you."

Crystal tonic, it is easy to go wrong.

    Lin Chuwen had been throwing himself on the potion before, but he had forgotten about the crystal nucleus.

    Lin Chuwen looked at the crystal nucleus held in his paw by Xuehu, and was surprised. Lin Chuwen originally thought that Chu Ye had prepared so many medicinal materials, and the gold coins in his hand were running out. He didn't expect that the other party still had gold coins Buy soul crystals.

    The snow fox shrouded in the silver light gradually changed. The originally large and small eyes became clear and dazzling, and the slanted fox mouth returned to normal.

    The silver light dissipated, and a cute little fox appeared in front of the two of them.

    The little fox's eyes are watery, and his body is furry, so cute to the bottom of his heart.

    Seeing Xuehu's appearance, Lin Chuwen excitedly reached out to Xuehu.

    Xiao Xuehu didn't jump into Lin Chuwen's arms, but ran to the mirror on the side to check his new image repeatedly.

    Seeing Xiao Xuehu's reaction, Chu Ye couldn't help laughing.

    Originally, he thought that Xiao Xuehu was quite aloof, but he didn't expect to be so stinky, and when he realized that he had become beautiful, he didn't even care about the owner.

    Xiao Xuehu has always been called the ugly fox, and Chu Ye didn't care when he saw Xuehu. It turned out that he didn't really care, but pretended not to care.

    Xiao Xuehu shook his big furry tail and kept scratching his head in front of the mirror, making Chu Ye a little confused.

    Xiao Xuehu gave Chu Ye a wink.

    Chu Ye couldn't help blinking, turned his head to look at Lin Chuwen, and said, "I didn't expect that the fox you raised is such a fox."

    Lin Chuwen smiled awkwardly, and said, "Xuebao, he usually It's not like that." I don't know what happened.

    Chu Ye: "..." Xuebao must have been very strange if he winked before.

    "It's said that soul pets follow their masters, but I didn't expect..." Xuehu winked at himself, could it be that Lin Chuwen also had the same idea?

    Lin Chuwen blushed, and seemed to have thought of something, and his hair was about to explode.

    Seeing Lin Chuwen's embarrassed appearance, Chu Ye felt embarrassed to make a joke.

    Xiaoyin was a little curious when she saw Xuebao's new image, and walked around Xuebao one after another.

    Xuebao seemed to be very proud of his new image, and used his charm skills on Xiaoyin.

    Xiaoyin's level is one rank lower than Xuebao's, and he was dazed and slammed into the wall by Xuebao's skills.

    Chu Ye looked at Xiao Yin, who fell to the ground and fluttered, and felt deeply ashamed.

    Lin Chuwen couldn't help but smile when he saw Xiaoyin's reaction.

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