Chapter 91 Meet the heroine again

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    The Jade Building in Sanyang City is very famous, and the spiritual food sold is expensive.

    Chu Ye has made a lot of money recently, and is happy to have a luxury with Lin Chuwen.

    "This rice is so delicious!"

    Lin Chuwen scooped a spoonful of Lingmi and put it in his mouth, only to feel that his mouth was full of sweetness.

    "This is chalcedony rice, which was planted on the spiritual field. The spiritual rice produced by a piece of spiritual field is only a few tens of kilograms, and the taste is naturally good." Chalcedony rice has the effect of improving physical fitness, and it is often eaten by soul pet masters. There is a certain improvement in physical fitness, but it is too expensive.

    Lin Chuwen has only eaten a few times in his life.

    The last time I ate it was on his birthday. In order to make him happy, the old man steamed some for him to eat.

    Lin Chuwen was eating chalcedony rice and couldn't help but miss his grandfather, thinking to himself: If grandpa sees his current condition, he will be very happy.

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "It's a good thing, and it's okay to be more expensive." Anyway, he has money now, does money have to be spent?

    The little fox also seemed to like the taste of chalcedony rice, and the whole fox face was buried in the basin.

    "This pastry is also delicious."

    Lin Chuwen took a bite of the Purple Jade Grape Cake, his mouth was full of sweetness, and he couldn't help showing a bit of intoxication, "It's really delicious."

    "The beef you want is here. ." Lin Chuwen said.

    Chu Ye smiled dryly. The beef that Lin Chuwen ordered was savage beef. This kind of beef had strong qi and blood, which was beneficial to improve the cultivator's qi and blood. Many people deliberately raised this kind of beef and sold it to soul masters.

    Chu Ye took a piece of beef and put it in his mouth. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "It tastes good!" Lin     Chuwen

    nodded and said, "This beef is very chewy."

In the wine jar made by Baihua, drinking wine excitedly.

    After drinking the soul-forging wine, Xiaoyin fell in love with drinking. Chu Ye specially ordered a jar of Hundred Flowers Brew for the other party.

    As the name suggests, Baihua Brewing is brewed with different spirit flowers. The spirit flowers used in this wine are different, and the quality is also divided into many different levels.

    The altar that Xiaoyin drank from was relatively high-level. It is said that several kinds of Breitling flowers were used, and a jar cost 20,000 gold coins, which was very expensive.

    Xiaoyin has taken a lot of good things recently, and his strength has risen a little quickly. Baihua Brewing has a certain effect of sorting out soul power, which can help Xiaoyin absorb those things.

    Lin Chuwen looked at Xiaoyin and said with some envy, "If Xiaoyin looks like this, he may be able to enter the second tier soon."

    Chu Ye held his chin and said, "Maybe."

    The growth of the bee colony should also bring It has given Xiaoyin a lot of benefits. The broken soul crystals he got in the Ziluo Sect have also been used seven to eighty-eight. As a result, there are several more silver-winged bees of the eighth and ninth orders in the bee colony, and Yin Xiaoer has also advanced to the eighth order recently.

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