Chapter 47 Soul Master Inheritance

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    Lin Chuwen woke up early in the morning and found himself lying in Chu Ye's arms, feeling a little embarrassed.

    "Are you awake?" Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen gave a "hmm" and said embarrassedly, "I pressed you?"

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "It's okay, it's not bad, I'm strong."

    Lin Chuwen heard the words and couldn't bear it . Live blushing.

    "Let's eat two roasted ant eggs and go back to the village." Chu Ye suggested.

    Lin Chuwen nodded.

    Chu Ye's craftsmanship is good, the baked ant eggs are delicious, and Lin Chuwen has a great appetite.

    Both of them ate several roasted ant eggs, and they were full, and then returned to the village satisfied.

    After Chu Ye returned to the small courtyard, he went to the hive on the left side of the hall to check the condition of the silver-winged bee.

    There are nearly 300 silver-winged wasps under Xiaoyin's subordinates, and Chu Ye specially isolated the hive on the left to house these golden-winged bees.

    Although the honey produced by these high-quality silver-winged bees is small, the value is higher than that of ordinary bees combined.

    There are a lot of ant eggs in the hive, and almost half of the ant eggs in the ant nest are here.

    Silver-winged bees scrambled to devour the fire crystal ant eggs, and piled up the fire crystal ant eggs like a hill, and the height dropped rapidly.

    The silver-winged bee that ate the ant eggs, the aura was flowing, and it can be seen that the ant eggs are very beneficial to the bee colony.

    Chu Ye brought back tens of thousands of Huojing ant eggs from the Huojing ant's nest, and they were all devoured in less than five days.

    After the fire crystal ant eggs were eaten up, the overall quality of the bee colony improved a lot, and a few silver-winged bees broke through to the first order.

    Five days later, Xiaoyin took the second ant king egg, and took two ant king eggs in a row. Although Xiaoyin had not entered the seventh order, the breath on his body was much stronger. The combat power has also risen very rapidly.

    Xiaoyin flapped his wings and said something to the little fox. The little fox shook his head in embarrassment.

    Xiaoyin continued to say a few words to the little fox, and Xuebao continued to flick his tail in embarrassment.

    Unable to get the answer from the little fox, the little silver turned around in a hurry.

    Chu Ye walked into the room, looked at Xiaoyin angrily, and said, "Xiaoyin, what are you arguing with Xuebao, let him help you attack the colony

    of that little queen bee?" , There are several eighth-order silver-winged bees, which are extremely difficult to deal with. Xuebao will follow, and will inevitably suffer.

    Xiao Yin flapped his wings and blinked innocently.

    "You don't want to slam Xuebao every time. You are not afraid of being stung, but Xuebao is afraid."

    Xiaoyin can fly, and he is still a queen bee. The silver-winged bee colony is naturally afraid of his ability. If he didn't recognize him as king, he just expelled him, but didn't sting him.

    Xuebao is different. Although Xuebao's level is not low, if he is entangled by swarms of bees, although his life is safe, he may be stung by a bag on the head.

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