Chapter 191 The Battle of the Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts

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    "Junior Sister Yan Yu still hasn't contacted Chu Ye?" Wang Ning asked.

    Chu Yanyu shook her head and said, "Not yet."

    "You have to hurry up, Lin Nanjiang is about to take action." Wang Ning said.

    "It should be fine." Chu Yanyu said.

    As far as she knew, two generals of the ninth rank had already died in the hands of Chu Ye. Chu Yanyu was worried about the two at first, but now she has calmed down a lot.

    Chu Ye is very strong, it seems that she doesn't need to worry at all.

    Lin Nanjiang's reputation is very high, but it is the ninth rank of generals. Chu Yanyu pondered that Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen have already killed two generals of the ninth rank. Retreat shouldn't be a problem.

    Wang Ning looked at Chu Yanyu's face, and probably guessed what the other party was thinking. Wang Ning was also surprised that Chu Ye and the two were able to kill two generals of the ninth rank. However, Lin Nanjiang was different.

    "Junior Sister Yan Yu, you have only a short time to advance, and you don't know many things. Lin Nanjiang is not an ordinary ninth-rank warrior."

    Chu Yanyu asked curiously, "What's not ordinary?"

    "Lin Nanjiang, He tried the advanced king rank a few years ago, and although he didn't succeed, he didn't completely fail."

    Chu Yanyu said somewhat puzzled: "Not completely failed? What does that mean!"

    "Lin Nanjiang's realm is relatively high. In particular, he can be regarded as a half-step king rank, which is slightly worse than the king rank, but far surpasses the average ninth-rank spirit master." Wang Ning said.

    Chu Yanyu couldn't help but change her face, secretly asked: Is Lin Nanjiang so powerful? Before, she only told Chu Ye by subpoena that Lin Nanjiang might take action, and she didn't know how much Chu Ye knew about this person.

    "Lin Nanjiang is a half-step king, why haven't I heard much about it?" Chu Yanyu asked with some doubts.

    Wang Ning said helplessly, "He's a cultivator of the wicked way. Soul pets are very evil. If he spreads it, he might affect people's hearts! However, veteran soul masters know a little bit about it."

    Chu Yanyu secretly said: Afraid of affecting people's hearts, it should be more of those big sects who love face, so they didn't promote Lin Nanjiang's strength, right? This person is so powerful, Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen don't know if they can avoid the past.


    Outside the Hall of Ten Thousand Beasts, a dark red mouse more than one meter tall lay on the ground sniffing something, then raised its paws and pointed in one direction.

    "Northwest, where is that?" Lin Nanjiang asked.

    "It seems to be the ruins of the Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts." Song An said.

    Lin Nanjiang sneered, full of sarcasm: "I hid in the ruins, can I escape?"

    "Mr. Lin, be careful, this Ten Thousand Beast Hall is still a bit complicated." Song An reminded.

    Lin Nanjiang said disdainfully: "Isn't it an abandoned sect ruins? What's so amazing."

    Song An nodded, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin said yes."

    Lin Nanjiang carried his hands on his back. , said: "Okay, let's get rid of those two clown jumping beams earlier, I'd better go back to do business earlier, but I promised Fang Ming, I will help him vent his anger."

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