Chapter 163 Fighting the Three-Headed Giant Python

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    The second round of suffocating energy began to be refined. After Chu Ye made his move, he devoted himself to the study of the hidden demon patterns under the animal bone mountain.

    The demon pattern under the gravel was still relatively complete. Chu Ye was worried that breaking the demon pattern rashly would cause a bad reaction, so he didn't dare to do it.

    Xiaobai may also be more curious about the things under the demon pattern, and provided a lot of inheritance about the demon pattern for Chu Ye to study.

    With Xiaobai's inherited memory, Chu Ye's progress in researching demon patterns has been much faster.

    Time flies, and soon the suffocation of the second batch of animal bones refining was completed.

    When Chu Ye arrived at Shakeng, Xiaoyin, Xiaobai, and Xiaohu all arrived.

    Chu Ye looked at the young people who were waiting in a serious battle, and twitched the corners of his mouth, secretly guessing that these evil spirits might be sacrificed to the temples of the five internal organs again.

    Chu Ye opened the evil pit, and the evil spirit floated out.

    Xiaoyin immediately started. The last time Xiaoyin ate the leftovers of Xiaobai and Xiaohu, he felt that he was not full. This time, he decided to start first.

    As soon as the evil pit opened, Xiaoyin led the bee colony to suck the evil spirits, and a large amount of evil spirits poured into the stomachs of Xiaoyin and the bee colony.

    Xiaobai and Xiaohu didn't compete with Xiaoyin either. The evil spirit is also resistant. Xiaobai and Xiaohu ate a lot last time.

    Xiaoyin and the bee colony took almost two copies of the evil spirit and flew away.

    Little Bai and Little Fox split the rest of the evil spirits one by one.

    Looking at the empty pit, Chu Ye couldn't help rubbing his forehead!

    "It's been a long time, just a few meals." Chu Ye was speechless.

    He originally planned to use this suffocating energy to cultivate silver-winged generals, but now it seems that his army of silver-winged generals is still far away!

    Lin Chuwen glanced at Chu Ye and said, "The suffocation is still very good for Xiaoyin and the others. After eating such a meal, it will benefit Xiaobai and the others a lot."

    "It's a pity that the bones are gone!" Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Yeah!" With no bones left, the only thing to do is to go back and do it again.

    Chu Ye sighed and said: "It's so big a mountain of bones, how can you say it's gone."

    Lin Chuwen: "..." There are a lot of bones in the Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts, but the bones needed to refine the evil spirit are also Quite a lot!

    "How's the monster pattern research going?" Lin Chuwen asked.

    Chu Ye smiled confidently and said, "It's not bad. It should be able to be opened in a few days."

    Lin Chuwen said excitedly, "If that's the case, then that would be great." Just enough to let the little foxes refine the newly absorbed evil spirits.

    Chu Ye nodded, and was very curious about what was under the blockade formation.


    A few days later, Chu Ye tore open the corner of the seal that blocked the demon pattern and found an entrance.

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