Chapter 48 Leaving Longya Village

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    Everything was ready, Chu Ye and his party entered the mountain.

    Chu Ye used the compass to detect the direction Xiaoyin wanted to go.

    "How about it, what's in that place?" Lin Chuwen leaned over and asked.

    "Judging from the results of the compass detection, there are no particularly powerful beasts. However, the place is a bit close to the base camp of the bee colony. I wonder if the bee colony will burst out." Chu Ye said worriedly.

    Lin Chuwen thought for a while, and said, "It shouldn't be."

    In the past few battles, the little queen bee in the mountain didn't take advantage of it. As long as she didn't break into the base camp, the little queen bee might not come out.

    Chu Ye frowned and said, "Don't bring too many swarms over there." Bringing too

    many swarms over can easily be mistaken for provocation. Since you are looking for opportunities, it is better to keep a low profile.

    Xiaoyin nodded, dismissed most of the bee colony under his hands, and brought only the elite team with him.

    Xiaoyin restrained the breath on his body. Some silver-winged bees on the road were mostly ordinary bees. They were low in intelligence and could not distinguish between enemy and me. They let a few people drive straight in.


    Under Xiaoyin's guidance, Chu Ye discovered a cave that was sealed by thorns.

    The cave is very hidden, completely buried by flowers, and it is difficult to find it if it is not for the guidance of Xiao Yin.

    Chu Ye took action to clean up the thorns and flowers, and the cave was revealed.

    "This place doesn't seem to be formed naturally, it looks like it was artificially excavated." Lin Chuwen said.

    "It was excavated manually. Could it be that someone lived here before?" Chu Ye asked in confusion.

    Lin Chuwen nodded, "It's possible."

    Chu Ye's eyes suddenly lit up. If this is the temporary residence of a soul master, it is very likely that there will be good things.

    The entrance to the cave was also full of thorns. Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen took a lot of effort to enter the cave.

    After entering the cave, Chu Ye soon discovered that there is a unique cave in the cave. It is very spacious. There are some stone tables and stone benches in the cave, and there is even a bed. Maybe because it has been too long, the bed is covered with moss.

    Lin Chuwen touched the bed and said, "This is a bed made of pine pear fragrant wood." The bed made of

    pine pear fragrant wood can calm the mind and is very popular with soul pet masters. The wood has rotted for too long. , not of much value.

    Xiaoyin pounced in one direction in the cave.

    "Golden Winged Bee." Chu Ye couldn't help widening his eyes.

    Lin Chuwen was also a little surprised, "It's really a golden-winged wasp!" In the

    cave, there was actually a golden-winged bee slough. In the slough, it should still be used, and there is a deceased monk next to the golden-winged bee.

    Lin Chuwen carefully examined the corpse and said, "This person should have died of injuries. When he died, the soul pet also died."

    Chu Ye said with some doubts, "If the cultivator dies, the soul pet will also follow. Die?"

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