Chapter 105 Bird Center

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    Liangjie City is very far away from Sanyang City. Generally, there are two options to go to Liangjie City, land and air.

    The land road has to traverse a large number of mountains and forests, and it is very likely to encounter various beasts on the way. The mountain road is difficult to walk, and without a guide, it is easy to get lost.

    It is estimated that it will take a month or two to travel by land. Even if Chu Ye and both of them are already soul masters, the danger of traveling by land is very great.

    Generally, large-scale caravans take the land route, and some individual tourists who want to go will follow the caravan, which can also provide more security.

    The other is to take the empty road and take the birds directly to the Two Realms City. This method saves time and effort, but it costs a little money.

    Decided to go to Liangjie City, the two went to the bird transportation center in Sanyang City to inquire about the situation.

    The bird transportation center in Sanyang City is somewhat similar to the station in the world.

    There are a large number of large birds in the bird center, and the birds can transport people from one place to another.

    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen were taken to visit the Bird Square in the Bird Center. The variety of mounts in the Bird Square was dizzying.

    There are many guests at the Bird Center, and several guys are selling various mounts to the guests.

    "This is a white cloud crane. This kind of crane has a gentle personality and flies very smoothly. It is suitable for short-distance flights. If a few guests want to enjoy the tour in Sanyang City, they can rent one, and they only need to feed some spiritual food.

    " This is an iron-headed parrot. They are very talkative and have a good understanding of the scenic spots in Sanyang City. If guests want to play in Sanyang City, they can rent one. They can act as a guide and a mount at the same time. For one portion, they like to eat beans."

    "This is a flying bird. It flies very fast. The flight distance in one day is three times that of a spirit bird of the same rank, but it can't carry heavy objects. It takes five days to rest a day. It likes to eat swordfish. It is best to prepare some dried fish on the way. It, if the guests are in a hurry, they can choose it."

    "This is a white-headed griffin, and its flight speed is not fast, but its carrying capacity is good, it can carry thousands of pounds of goods, and it likes to eat the meat of fierce beasts, and its appetite is somewhat large.

    " ..." All

    kinds of birds are flying on the Bird Square, which is dizzying, and all kinds of birds have their own advantages and disadvantages.

    "There are so many birds here!" Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Yes!"

    There are hundreds of species of birds in the Bird Center, each with their own strengths, which opened the eyes of the two of them.

    The little fox wagged his tail and stared brightly at a singing parrot.

    Chu Ye followed the little fox's gaze and saw a parrot with beautiful feathers singing loudly as if no one else was there.

    The birds in the Bird Center have their own temperaments, and the parrots who like to sing are not too special.

    "Do you like its songs?" Chu Ye asked the little fox.

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