Chapter 165 The news of the locust plague

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    After coming out of the ruins of the Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts, Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen returned to Liangjie City. The two left this time for more than half a year.

    When Chu Ye returned to Two Realms City, he found out that the news of his death was spreading wildly in the city.

    Unlike last time, the last time the two of them left was to go to the big city of Yunzhou, but this time they were seen to go deep into the wild hunting.

    Going to other big cities is naturally much safer than going out for hunting.

    Many people felt that the two of them didn't return for a long time, and they were probably dead on the hunt. There were many soul pet masters who went to the wild for hunting. Basically, if they didn't return for three months, they would be considered dead.

    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen have been gone for more than half a year, and there is no news at all. It is no wonder that there are rumors that the two are dead.

    Not long after Chu Ye returned, Hu Mingyue brought people to visit.

    "Young Master Ye is finally back, why did you leave for so long this time?"

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "I encountered some trouble and got stuck in one place."

    Hu Mingyue nodded and said, "So that's how it is."

    There are many restricted areas in the 100,000 Wilderness, and it is not unusual for a soul pet master to be trapped in one place and unable to get out.

    "Young Master Chu comes back this time, do you still collect animal bones?"

    Chu Ye nodded, and said, "Yes, of course!" The

    suffocation is a good thing! The more the better, after the refining of the demon pool, many silver-winged bees stood out, and there were seven or eight silver-winged bees with golden spots. The appearance is also very good, and the probability of advanced should be quite large.

    Hu Mingyue nodded and said, "Okay, I'll send it over in a while. The Qian family also collected a lot of animal bones. Chu Shao, look..."

    Chu Ye said lightly, "There are not too many animal bones. , how much is there, how much I will accept." The

    evil spirit is a good thing! It can also train generals and serve as food for Xiaobai and other soul beasts.

    Opportunities like the Demon Refinement Pond can be encountered but not sought after. Right now, he wants to improve his strength. The best way is to cultivate a few more silver-winged bees of the warrior rank, and raise Xiaoyin's strength to the seventh rank of warriors as soon as possible. .

    The Demon Refinement Pond has greatly improved the overall strength of the bee colony. Xiaoyin has already entered the peak of the sixth-order warrior general, and he should be able to advance to the seventh-order warrior general in just one step.

    Hu Mingyue smiled and said, "Young Master Chu is refreshing, so the old man can feel at ease."

    Chu Ye secretly said: The last time I traded animal bones, the old man got a lot of sweetness. It seems that the old man Qian has collected a lot of animal bones. If he died outside, no one wanted the animal bones that the old man had collected, probably because he was worried that the bones would be smashed into his hands? Mostly so.

    The return of Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen had a great impact on the Qian and Hu families. However, it did not cause much of a stir in Liangjie City. There were many people coming and going in Liangjie City. There are more people who do not go back.

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