Chapter 85 Chu Xiner

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    Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen strolled around the street and saw a lot of bounties about Shadowless Pirates.

    "My darling, if you catch a shadowless thief, you can directly exchange a piece of evil spirit, one million gold coins, a big deal!" Chu Ye couldn't help sighing.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "It's really a big deal! However, the value of the shadowless thief is much more than the reward."

    "The shadowless thief, you can change the evil spirit."

    Lin Chuwen smiled bitterly. Said: "Don't think about it."

    Shadowless Pirates have been famous for a long time, at least they are the last stage of Soul Master, they are definitely not opponents.

    "This painting is too abstract..." Shadowless Pirate's appearance was actually replaced by a mask.

    Lin Chuwen said helplessly: "It is said that no one has seen the Shadowless Pirate, so I'm not sure what he looks like."

    Chu Ye rolled his eyes, "I don't know what he looks like, how do you arrest someone!"

    "Look ! Soul beast! Although no one has ever seen the Shadowless Pirate, his soul beast is the phantom ghost, this soul beast is very special and a symbol that belongs to him alone." Lin Chuwen said.

    Chu Ye smiled bitterly and looked at the soul beast. As long as Wuying Pirates didn't release the soul beast, probably no one would know his identity. It would be too difficult to find him. These two huge bounties were probably in vain.


    After Chu Ye and the two walked around, they returned to the small courtyard they rented.

    Xiaoyin held a small jar and snorted the contents of the jar excitedly.

    The silver-winged bee, the second-class silver-winged bee, buzzed and circled around the jar, and the bee's eyes were full of envy.

    Xiaoyin likes to eat alone, ignoring the desires of his subordinates.

    The small jar was one of their previous achievements. At first, Lin Chuwen couldn't recognize the contents of the jar, so he set it aside and planned to study it later. However, when he was in the restaurant that day, Lin Chuwen accidentally heard When a few people talked about the blood peach tree and blood peach, they suddenly thought of this jar and guessed that the contents of the jar might be peach gum.

    The effect of blood peach tree peach gum is a bit similar to blood peach, the effect is not so obvious, but it is milder, which is suitable for Xiaoyin.

    Chu Ye looked at the second-class high-quality silver-winged bees who were rushing around in a hurry, took out a handful of soul crystals and threw it to them.

    Ordinary silver-winged bees can be fed with broken soul crystals.

    However, it would be inappropriate for Yin Xiaoer and dozens of silver-winged bees with relatively high levels to feed broken soul crystals.

    In addition to getting a lot of broken soul crystals in the Ziluo Sect, Chu Ye also got a lot of soul crystals of different grades, which just happened to be used to feed Yin Xiaoer and the others.

    Xiaoyin hugged the jar and ate a delicious meal, and reluctantly handed the jar to Chu Ye, letting him keep it for now.

    "This peach gum seems to be very nourishing!" Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Indeed, the value of this jar of peach gum should be worth half a blood peach."

    Chu Ye raised his eyebrows and said to himself, "Little Yin's luck is really good!" I encountered such a good thing just after I advanced, so it may not be long before I can advance from the first rank of Warlord to the second rank of Warlord.

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