Chapter 52 Natural disaster? Artificial?

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    According to the guidance of the compass, Chu Ye and the two spent half a day finding a cave.

    Chu Ye sent a silver-winged swarm to monitor it from a distance.

    "This should be one of the nests." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen leaned over to take a look, "Judging from the compass reaction, the Locust Guard here is the highest at level seven, and the rest are at level six, but it's not bad."

    Chu Ye looked at the compass and said somewhat unexpectedly: " It seems that someone is coming." Lin     Chuwen

    said with some doubts: "Could it be that someone found the worm nest like us?"

    Chu Ye shook his head, "I don't know, let's see what I'm talking about first."

Eyes, Chu Ye saw two men in black.

    The two men in black sneaked into the worm's nest, sprinkled some medicinal powder in the nest, and then left.

    Lin Chuwen looked at the two entering and exiting the worm's nest with a solemn expression, "That's not right."

    Chu Ye nodded, "It's really not right."

    After the two people entered the worm's nest just now, they were not guarded by the locusts. 's attack, this is so abnormal, it's as if these two people are in the same group as the bug guard.

    "Could it be that someone is cultivating locusts?" Lin Chuwen said.

    Chu Ye said with some doubts: "Cultivation of locusts? What is there to cultivate locusts?" The locusts can only be eaten. Raising this thing is harmful to others and not good for oneself.

    Lin Chuwen glanced at Chu Ye and said, "What if someone made a contract with a locust king?"

    Chu Ye asked with some doubts, "Will someone make a contract for this?"

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said, "Of course there is. The strength of the locust king is closely related to the strength of his subordinates. If the worm king wants to advance, one is to rely on his own opportunities. In addition, there is another way to continuously expand the number of the population. The stronger the population, the stronger the worm king. Qiang, in addition, I heard that there is a special advanced method."

    Chu Ye asked curiously, "In what way?"

    "Insects like locusts can devour each other, and the worm king can devour the worm king."

    Chu Ye was stunned for a moment, and said, "The big worm king keeps the little worm king as a snack to eat. Is it?"

    Lin Chuwen nodded, "It's almost like this, the higher the level of the little bug king, the more nourishing it is for the big bug king."

    Chu Ye swallowed and said, "That would be too scary, The little bug king can be regarded as the cub of the big bug king."

    Lin Chuwen nodded, "um".

    "After the locusts have finished mating, they will eat their mates and their own cubs. For them, it's nothing."

    Chu Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and secretly said: This is probably the different characteristics of different creatures.

    Lin Chuwen shook his head and said, "Because of this advanced method of locusts, contract locust soul pet masters are often unpopular."

    Chu Ye thought about it and said, "I think this soul pet is behind the scenes. Master, it shouldn't be a native of Yunzhou."

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