Chapter 71 Drunkenness

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    After tasting the wine, Xiaoyin couldn't stop, and he had to drink half a jar every day to be content.

    Xiao Yin fell asleep when he was full. Once, he slept directly in the wine jar, which startled Chu Ye.

    Chu Ye and the two stayed in the cave all day long, bored and bored.

    Chu Ye said speechlessly: "I didn't expect that Xiaoyin, a small one, could drink so much."

    "I didn't expect it either." Lin Chuwen looked at Xiaoyin's belly, full of curiosity. He had never heard of which silver-winged wasp likes drinking so much.

    Xiaoyin can kill a jar of wine in three days. With such a small body, he doesn't know where the wine went.

    "Forget it, let Xiaoyin drink it if he likes it." Lin Chuwen also saw that the benefits of soul-forging wine to Xiaoyin are not small. The power of Xiaoyin has increased a lot in the past few days. Xiao Yin seemed to be more convincing.

    "I have to work hard to drink." Chu Ye secretly said: If there is a competitor like Xiaoyin, if he doesn't work harder, he will be drunk by Xiaoyin. He is such a big man, if he can't drink enough Bees, that's too humiliating.

    Chu Ye was in a hurry to improve his soul power, and he drank the wine from the three jars, and the whole person was dizzy.

    After drinking alcohol, Chu Ye lost much of his sense and began to act like a drunkard.

    After Xiaoyin was drunk, he liked to rampage, and Chu Ye was the same. He danced and bumped into the wall, and said to Lin Chuwen with a smile on his face that he wanted to perform iron head kung fu.

    Lin Chuwen wanted to restrain Chu Ye, but was hugged by the other side and rolled on the ground several times.

    The drunk Chu Ye was so strong that Lin Chuwen couldn't push it away even if he wanted to.

    Lin Chuwen couldn't push Chu Ye, so he wanted to ask the little fox for help.

    If others overwhelm Lin Chuwen, the little fox will feel that the master has been attacked, and his claws will already be on.

    But it was Chu Ye who "attacked" Lin Chuwen! Chu Ye used nine-tailed fox grass to curry favor with the little fox. He would never forget him if he had any good things on weekdays. He was more fond of the little fox than Lin Chuwen, and had a short mouth for eating people. , The little fox had a very good impression of Chu Ye. Seeing the two of them rolling into a ball, the little fox fluttered his tail, and only felt that the two were playing.

    It was interesting to see the two of them "playing", and the little fox even jumped on Chu Ye's back, as if he wanted to join in and play together.

    Lin Chuwen originally wanted to ask the little fox to help him, but the little fox's reaction made him a little angry.

    "What a beauty." Chu Ye stared at Lin Chuwen with wide drunk eyes, and kissed him several times.

    When Lin Chuwen heard Chu Ye call him a great beauty, he felt his body was electrocuted, and he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

    He was caught off guard by being kissed several times, and Lin Chuwen's body was scalding hot.

    Lin Chuwen pushed Chu Ye away with all his might, but Chu Ye seemed to have grabbed some fun toy, so he was reluctant to let go.

    Lin Chuwen looked at Chu Ye's rogue appearance, and had the urge to give Chu Ye two punches, but he couldn't be ruthless.

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