Chapter 127 Meat Silkworm King

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    The rainbow fruit on the rainbow tree began to ripen one after another. Lin Chuwen stood under the tree and looked at the fruit on the tree, and said somewhat unexpectedly: "I didn't expect it to ripen so quickly, I thought it would take some time.

    " The fruit ripens early, which is a good thing!" Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded, "It's really a good thing, it should be because of your careful care." The

    rainbow tree was the most vulnerable for a period of time when it was transplanted, and it was very easy to die. However, this tree is different. Under the nourishment of the spring, the rainbow tree is growing very well. It has been raised a circle in two months, and the rainbow fruit seems to have matured ahead of schedule.

    "Pick the fruit." Chu Ye said.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and took out a jade knife from the space ring. The rainbow fruit is quite special. Picking it with a metal knife will damage the medicinal properties of the rainbow fruit. You must use a jade knife. , do not touch any filth.

    Lin Chuwen took the cut rainbow fruit with a jade plate.

    Xiaocai waited to the side early, full of excitement around the picked rainbow fruit.

    Xiaocai danced around the rainbow fruit for a few times before she began to eat the fruit. After taking the rainbow fruit, the color of Xiaocai's body became more and more gorgeous.

    The colorful powder fell off Xiaocai's wings and was scattered by the wind.

    Chu Ye was sitting on the side watching Xiao Cai eating, and suddenly felt dizzy, as if he had entered a sea of ​​flowers.

    Chu Ye found himself lying in a sea of ​​flowers, surrounded by colorful flowers, and the air was full of fragrant flowers.

    Chu Ye felt as if he had entered a paradise. He was languid all over. In such a comfortable environment, Chu Ye couldn't help lying down among the flowers, enjoying the rare peace.

    A burst of shallow breathing came, and Chu Ye was a little surprised to find that Lin Chuwen was lying on the side.

    Lin Chuwen's long eyelashes seemed to flutter gently like butterfly wings.

    Lin Chuwen tilted his head, his moist eyes were clear and translucent.

    Chu Ye's head was a little dazed, and his body had already covered Lin Chuwen first.

    Chu Ye's mind was a little confused, and there was a voice in his head saying that it was all fake. Since it was fake, it should be fine.

    Chu Ye boldly hugged Lin Chuwen and kissed him. The soft touch made him linger. Seeing that the other party didn't resist, Chu Ye couldn't help kissing again.

    Lin Chuwen, who was in the fantasy world, blushed, and instead of resisting Chu Ye's contact, he boldly kissed back.

    Chu Ye was still a little guilty at first, but he was kissed back by the other party, and he seemed to be greatly encouraged, and he led people to roll in the sea of ​​​​flowers.

    Chu Ye was in his twenties, and he was full of energy and could not resist provocation at all.

    Chu Ye felt like his body was floating in the clouds, and his soul seemed to have received an extreme enjoyment.

    Chu Ye indulged in the illusion for half an hour before slowly opening his eyes.

    When Chu Ye opened his eyes, he saw Xiaocai dancing in the air with joy, and her whole body was full of brilliance.

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