Chapter 177 Ready to leave

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    As time passed, the whole people of the two realms took part in the fight against the locust wave.

    Lin Chuwen gave Si Dongfeng another potion, twenty-four in total.

    The locust swarm continued to decrease, and the little poison king seemed to finally give up his plan to advance to the soul king. A large number of locusts began to evacuate, and the warrior locust king became more and more difficult to find. This batch of medicines should be the last batch of medicines.

    Inside the secret room.

    The little poisonous king's face was bloodless, and his expression was extremely ugly.

    The strength of the Little Poison King is closely related to the locust swarm. After the 100,000 wild locusts were released, although some locust kings were successively lost, the overall size of the locust swarm has been expanding, and the overall strength of the swarm has also been improving.

    For some time ago, Fang Ming's strength has been rising, and a few days ago, he stepped into the half-step king rank.

    With the use of locusticides, the situation has turned sharply, the size of the swarm has dropped rapidly, and the momentum of Fang Ming has declined rapidly.

    The loss of one or two locust swarms has little effect on the opponent's name, but in just a few days, the locust swarm has lost more than half of its value. The loss is too great to make up in a short time.

    Fang Ming originally had the winning ticket, but the situation changed so quickly that before he could react, the locust swarm suffered heavy losses.

    At this moment, Fang Ming regretted very much. In order to show his power and to avenge the ancestors by putting pressure on Liangjiecheng, he swarmed the locusts to attack Liangjiecheng. .

    If he disperses the locust swarm, even with that weird potion, the loss will not be so great.

    "Have you found out the identity of that pharmacist?" Fang Ming asked through gritted teeth.

    "Not yet."

    "I haven't found it yet, what do you all eat?" Fang Ming said in a bad tone.

    The old butler said with some embarrassment: "Our people have been working very hard to investigate. A few spies moved a bit and were exposed and killed. That person was hiding too deeply." Among the people who lost this time, several It is a pity that the one who had been lurking for a long time also died.

    Fang Ming's eyes were gloomy, "Check, use all your strength to check it for me, I'll cut him into ten thousand pieces."

    It is extremely difficult to advance from a soul master to a soul king, and everything must be prepared. This time the momentum has waned, and it is impossible to advance.

    Fang Ming was determined to win the Advanced Soul King this time, but now he has failed, and his mood is so dark that he urgently needs to find someone to vent.

    The three locust kings cut off contact again, and Fang Ming spit out a mouthful of blood.

    The old housekeeper on the side could clearly feel the decline of Fang Ming's blood. The old housekeeper looked at Fang Ming's appearance, trembling, for fear of being angered.

    Fang Ming's state is too bad, not to mention the advanced soul king, it will take a while to recover to the ninth rank of warriors.

    "Master, are you alright?" the old butler asked cautiously. Yu Xituan broke away.

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