Chapter 178 Identity Guess

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    money family.

    Mr. Qian paced back and forth in the house.

    "Grandpa, what are you worrying about!" Qian Bing'er asked.

    A lot of spirit masters have died in Liangjiecheng recently, and some spirit masters who are famous and capable of fighting have died. Before the locust plague, many people thought that grandpa was doomed this time, but as a result, grandpa survived.

    Some spirit masters in Two Realms City scolded grandpa behind their backs as an old tortoise.

    The old man Qian murmured: "Granddaughter! I seem to know something about your grandfather that I shouldn't know."

    Qian Bing'er heard the words, full of curiosity: "Grandpa, what do you know? Tell me.

    Old Man Qian waved his hand and said impatiently, "Go and go, don't ask too much about what you shouldn't ask, the more you know, the faster you die." Qian

    Bing'er's curiosity was not satisfied, but was reprimanded by the old man instead. After a while, he pouted, a little aggrieved.

    In fact, there are tricks for Mr. Qian to survive the beast tide. When dealing with the beast tide, Mr. Qian always let his soul beast follow Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen's soul beast. In the front, his treasure mouse safety is greatly improved.

    When the beast swarm came, the army was in chaos, and the average soul master could only take care of his own one-third of an acre of land, and couldn't distract attention from others.

    However, Old Master Qian was different. He had his soul beast follow Chu Ye's soul beast from the very beginning, and he could clearly see the fighting power of the two soul beasts.

    The old man Qian was a little horrified to find that Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen's main soul pets seemed to have already reached the seventh rank. What is the concept of two soul pet masters in their twenties? Peerless genius!

    Such two terrifying geniuses are hidden in the Two Realms City, and everyone's impression of the two is only two animal masters with good animal skills. How absurd!

    The old man Qian thought of the mysterious pharmacist who had been talked about by everyone recently. The old man had a whim and thought that one of Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen might be a mysterious pharmacist.

    Old Man Qian just thought about it casually, but afterward, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

    The speed of progress of Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen is unbelievable. They must have secrets. If there is a mysterious pharmacist among them, it will make sense.

    In the process of the growth of the soul beast, there is a brilliant pharmacist watching over it, and the growth rate of the soul beast will be much faster.

    Before, during the battle, Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen's soul pets had been in good condition. Apart from the good health of the soul pets themselves, it should have something to do with the potion. His treasure hunter saw a few souls several times. Pets take medicine to restore physical strength.

    The effects of the potions taken by several soul pets should be very good. After each use, the combat power of several soul pets will soar. Judging from the state of several soul pets after the battle, the potions have no adverse effects.

    Before, he thought that Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen were rich and powerful, and they should have bought a large number of potions before the war to prepare for unexpected needs. Now that he thinks about it, maybe they may have refined them themselves.

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