Chapter 11 Income from Medicine Collection

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    Time passed quickly and another half a month, honey began to be produced regularly, and a lot of honey was produced in ten days.

    Chu Ye rented the ox cart from the Chen family and was going to sell all the honey. Fifty jars of honey weighed about 500 catties and filled a small half-cart.

    "Honey, I actually received so much honey." Chen Nan looked at the jar of honey, showing a bit of envy.

    People in the village knew that Chu Ye was keeping bees for a long time, but they never thought that Chu Ye's bees could produce honey so much.

    Chu Ye smiled and said, "The harvest is not bad!"

    Chen Nan asked with some doubts: "Is the silver-winged wasp so powerful?"

    Chu Ye secretly said: The ordinary silver-winged bee is naturally not so powerful, and the queen bee is different after all. of.

    Chu Ye delivered the honey to the commercial building. Fifty jars of honey sold for 75 gold coins. Chu Ye always thought that Xiaoyin was a gold-devouring beast. After selling the honey, Chu Ye suddenly felt that Xiaoyin was not a gold-devouring beast but a lucky bee!

    The other party consumes gold coins quickly, but the speed of outputting gold coins is also very fast.

    With 75 gold coins on his body, Chu Ye felt a rare sense of abundance.

    The rich Chu Ye spent a lot of gold coins generously.

    Chu Ye spent 40 gold coins to buy 2 wood-type crystal cores as a ration for small silver, and spent another 10 gold coins to buy some broken soul crystals. The effect of broken soul crystals is far less than that of complete soul crystals. Just bought a bunch.

    The broken soul crystal was prepared by Chu Ye for the bee colony. The silver-winged bees under Xiaoyin's banner were all of no rank. If the quality of the bee colony could be improved, it would be of great benefit to Xiaoyin.

    Once the quality of the bee colony is improved, the quality of the brewed honey should also be better.

    After buying the crystal nucleus, Chu Ye bought some rice and noodle rations as usual. Because he made a fortune, the rice and noodle rations that Chu Ye bought were all good ones.

    Chu Ye spends money so easily, and accidentally spends seventy-five gold coins for seventy-eighty-eight.

    Chu Ye looked at the empty purse, and comforted himself that only those who could spend money would make money. I was born with talent and would be useful.

    When Chu Ye returned home, Chu Ye handed a wooden crystal nucleus to Xiao Yin.

    Xiaoyin was very excited to hold the soul crystal and absorb it. After he was full, he carefully stuffed the remaining crystal core into the bag around his neck.

    Xiaoyin's appetite is increasing day by day. The soul crystal that Chu Ye spent 20 gold coins to buy was completely absorbed by Xiaoyin in half a month, and he has run out of food.

    When Chu Ye just contracted Xiaoyin, the other party was only the size of a fingernail. During this time, Xiaoyin's body continued to grow, and it had grown to the size of a ping-pong ball, and his strength had also increased a lot.

    Chu Ye found someone to make a small cloth bag and hung it around Xiaoyin's neck. The cloth bag happened to put Xiaoyin's soul crystal, and Xiaoyin liked it very much.

    Chu Ye walked to the eastern hive, took half of the broken soul crystals, and scattered them in several food troughs. The bees felt the breath of the broken soul crystals and immediately swarmed up. Chu Ye didn't favor one over another, and he also sprinkled half of the broken soul crystals in the beehive in the west.

    "How about the herbal medicine thing!" Chu Ye asked Xiao Yin.

    For more than ten days, Chu Ye has been teaching Xiaoyin to identify medicinal materials, and Xiaoyin has also known some medicinal materials one after another, so he will not find nothing all the time.

    Chu Ye has never given up on going to the mountains to collect herbs. Although he has been able to support his daily consumption by selling honey, he will not be able to make ends meet, but who would think that there are too many gold coins?

    Xiaoyin blinked, and a scene appeared in Chu Ye's sea of ​​consciousness.

    Chu Ye knew that Xiaoyin was using synaesthesia skills, and that soul pet masters and soul pets could share the pictures they saw with each other using synaesthesia skills.

    Chu Ye saw a dense cluster of flowers, among which were sky blue flowers the size of fingernails, and the flowers were in the shape of a cross star.

    "Cross Star Brocade!" Chu Ye said in surprise.

    When the cross star brocade is not blooming, it grows like a weed and is easy to ignore. Once it blooms, it is easy to identify.

    Xiaoyin said that the nectar of this flower is very delicious, but it is a little less.

    Chu Ye stood up and said excitedly: "When did you see this flower?"

    Xiao Yin thought for a while, and then said somewhat uncertainly: "Yesterday?"

    Chu Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said dully. : "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

    Xiaoyin flapped his wings angrily and protested, "You didn't ask!"

    "Take me there quickly."

    Most of the cross star brocade grows in the deep mountains, and the petals can be used as medicine, yes Very precious medicinal material.

    The flowering period of the Cross Star Brocade is only three days. If you miss the flowering period, once the flowers fade, it will be of no value. The Cross Star Brocade in the mountains does not know how many days it has been in bloom, and it is too late to harvest.

    If such a piece of cross star brocade can be collected, it will probably be sold for thirty gold coins, which is a considerable amount of income.

    Chu Ye arrived at his destination under the escort of the swarm.

    The blooming period of this cross star brocade is staggered, and some of the petals of the cross star brocade have withered. Fortunately, a large part of it is still in full bloom. Chu Ye secretly feels a pity for the withered petals.

    Soon Chu Ye didn't care about those withered flowers, and devoted himself to collecting the cross star brocade.

    Chu Ye stayed in the mountains for two days and received about ten kilograms of petals. The cross star brocade was too small to be weighed at all. Chu Ye estimated that he would go back to dry the petals, and in the end there were only about eight kilograms left. .

    After drying the petals of the cross star brocade, the weight of the petals really shrank a lot. Just as Chu Ye expected, he got eight catties of petals.

    The second day after drying the flowers, Chu Ye stepped out of the door early in the morning. This time, Chu Ye did not rent the ox cart from the Chen family.

    Chu Ye chose to walk not because he was reluctant to pay the fare, but because he didn't want to be under the eyes of the villagers every time he went to sell things.

    His honey business is already eye-catching enough. If the people in the village know that he still has the ability to go into the mountains to collect herbs, he must think more.

    After Chu Ye arrived in the town, he did not choose the Chu family's business, but changed his appearance a little, and sold the dried flowers of the cross star brocade to the medicine store in the town. gold,.

    The management of the Chu family's business firm has a good attitude towards Chu Ye, but Chu Ye doesn't want to attract the attention of the Chu family.

    If the Chu family was dispatched, if they behaved well, they would have the chance to be recalled to the Chu family. If the original owner was dispatched, they might try their best to go back, but Chu Ye only wanted to hide as far as he could.

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