Chapter 141 Delusions

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    in the inn.

    "Junior Sister Yan Yu, that nephew of yours is not easy! Huanwusha should have been acquired by him." Zhao Jin said.

    Chu Yanyu frowned and said, "There are some rumors out there that are chasing shadows, and they may not be true."

    Zhao Jin shook his head and said, "It's not chasing shadows, it's true, someone saw Yu Xingzhong, his lifespan increased. Now, I have taken the Centennial Longevity Grass."

    After Yu Xingzhong got the Centennial Longevity Grass, he was in a dilemma, thinking of a pharmacist and refining the Longevity Grass into a potion, but he was afraid that the potion would fail to be refined. There are not many pharmacists who make Longevity Grass, and Yu Xingzhong couldn't find anyone for a while. After thinking about it, he finally swallowed the Longevity Grass.

    Chu Yanyu said somewhat unexpectedly: "Centennial Longevity Grass."

    Zhao Jin nodded and said, "Yes, it seems that Chu Ye and Lin Chuwen exchanged it, and I don't know where they came from."

    Zhao Jin Secret thought: One-hundred-year-longevity grass! Qingyunzong couldn't find a few plants.

    Yu Zhongxing is really a waste. If this herb is given to their Qingyunzong pharmacist, maybe two or three life-extending potions can be refined.

    "Junior sister, do you know where your nephew got the herbs?" Yu Xingzhong asked.

    Chu Yanyu shook her head with a wry smile, and said, "How would I know, we haven't seen each other for several years, and Xiao Ye doesn't have much contact with his family."

    Chu Yanyu lowered her head, thinking about Chu Ye and Lin in her heart. Chu Wen admired more and more.

    Zhao Jin nodded and said, "That's right, something like the Centennial Longevity Grass is not easy to say even if it is a biological parent."

    Zhao Jin chatted with Chu Yanyu for a while, and saw that Chu Yanyu really didn't understand the inside story. , left.

    Treading Cloud Leopard circled around Chu Yanyu, Chu Yanyu stretched out his hand and touched Ta Yun Leopard's head, his mind was full of thoughts.

    Before, when she saw the colorful phantom butterflies, she was still shocked by Lin Chuwen's training the colorful phantom butterflies to the ninth order. How long has it been! Chu Ye actually managed to get the suffocation, and Lin Chuwen could not be sure that he was already the soul pet master of the two-war general.

    Chu Yanyu suddenly felt as if she was getting old and couldn't keep up with the rhythm of young people.


    Chu Yanyu hid in the inn, sorting out the list of supplies.

    A servant disciple came in to report: "Senior Chu, someone in the Chu family is looking for you."

    Chu Yanyu nodded and said lightly, "I see."

    Chu Yanyu walked to the reception room and saw Chu Xingchang, Chu Xingchang His face was red, and his face was a little excited.

    "Uncle Chang, why are you here?" Chu Yanyu asked.

    Chu Xingchang said a little excitedly: "Niece Yan Yu, have you heard about Huanwusha?"

    Chu Yanyu nodded and said lightly, "That's right."

    "Niece Yan Yu, this time you must Help my uncle! That's the phantom fog! If I can get my uncle, maybe I can become an advanced soul master, then the strength of our Chu family will be even higher." Chu Xingchang was very excited. the way.

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